getting nasha

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So today is Saturday and today I'm going to the mall with Nasha my bbf  o me and Nasha do go to the same school we only have 3of the same classes out of 7yeah I know  sad isn't it so while me and Nasha at the mall I'm going to tell her about the date with Prince. so I'm bout to call her and make sure she ready so my brother can drive us bye

TT: "JAMES." ~yelling from down stairs~

James: "what TT." ~annoyed~

TT: "I'm ready."

James: "alright hold up.

5 minutes later ~sponge Bob voice ~

James: "let's go."

In the car

James -how school

TT- good the boy who bullied me actually has a crush on me and asked me on a date

James -when who and what time

TT- tonight, 8:30  and Princeton the boy around the corner

James: you better be back by ten o'clock understood young lady 

TT: I mean why not be my dad ~sarcastic voice ~

James: I might not be your dad but I am your older brother

TT:ugh okay geesh

James: were here ~in front of Nasha House ~

TTI'll go get Nasha ~gets out car ~

Before I get to knock on the door Nasha comes out screaming

Nasha:HEEYYY BISHHH ~jumps on TT ~

TT:first of all get the fuck off of me 2nd don't ever jump on me like DAT again 3rd HEEYYY bestie ready to go to da mall

Nasha: yassss boo

TT: leggo


James: hey Nasha

Nasha: HEEYYY bro

TT:so Nasha I gotta tell you something but I ain't gone Tell you till we get to the mall

Nasha: ugh you make me sick luh gurl

TT :DAT is exactly y were best friends and i love u to

James: lol

Nasha:ain't nun funny

James: it is obviously I'm laughing

TT: shut up

James :make me

Nasha: lmao y'all are soo funny

James+TT:whatchu laughing at

Nasha: ~still laughing ~yall obviously

TT:do you two ever stop talking you and James would make the cutest couple

James and Nasha look at each other then at TT and say NO (pic of James at top)

James: we're here finally

TT:thank God

James: it's 3:15 wut time y'all want me to pick y'all up

TT:um 6:15

James: alright bye ~ pulls off~.


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