brother sister talk

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So after me and Nasha got done laughing at Prince face expression we went back down stairs and James had a smirk on his face so I asked to talk to him in private

TT:James can I talk to you in private

Me and James walk upstairs and his face became the look of frustration

James: what tianna

TT: why are you mad at me

James: I'm not why

TT: 1 you only call me tianna when your mad at me and I hate when your mad at me 2 I know when your lying 3 its all in yo voice and what did you tell Prince to make him so scared

James: we had a talk

TT :about ~ I say crossing my arms ~

James: I told him if he ask you out he better not threaten to hit you and you better still be a virgin when you get back and I want you back by 10:00 and if your back by 10:01 it won't end well

TT: j why would you do that


TT: what ever but are you still mad at me if you  are I hate when your mad at me

James: yes but give me a hug and I won't be mad

TT: ok

I hug James James and go back down stairs and see prince and Nasha watching TV

TT: prince I'm ready

Prince:ok come on

James: now yall be good now, hear

Prince/TT: what ever

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