telling her part 2

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"Kind words don't cost much, yet they accomplish much".                  
                      ~Blaise Pascal.
Prince POV

So I'm behind the school waiting on TT I'm on my phone playing then she shows up with her things and says

TT: wut do you want prince

Prince: I have to tell you something


Prince: wellll you know how I bully you I do that cause ummm I -GCO

TT:u like me ~smiling wide~

Prince: ugh yeah

TT: really ~shocked~

Prince: since sixth grade but I was really nervous about your reaction I guess so I bullied you

TT:I like you to since first grade but -GCO

Prince:can I take you out Saturday

TT: sure wut time

Prince: 8:30

TT: alright ~blushing~

By the time we got inside free period was over and we went to lunch then fifth period and then there were two more periods and school was over and it was the weekend I was so happy I was smiling wide from ear to ear

A\N~ I know I haven't told y'all about TT Best friend but that is wut the next chapter is going to be about. So yeah bye

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