the date

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Prince POV:

OMG TT looks so sexy  I'm trying my hardest to control my hormones but I don't think I'm trying hard enough. Were in the car I haven't told her where we're going yet .we're going to drum roll this fancy Mexican restaurant

TT: priinncce where are we going

James: its a surprise now stop winning we're almost there

I stop at a red light and tianna sits there with her arms crossed and lip pocked out it was really cute I just stared

TT: what

Prince: nothing

Then the light turned green and I turned the corner and drove into the parking lot parked and opened the door for TT and she smiled at me and I asked to take her hand

Prince: may I

TT: yes you may

We walk in the restaurant hand in hand and luckily I made reservations so all I had to do was tell them my name and and table for two.   We walk in the restaurant and the biggest smile came on TT face

TT: Prince this place is so nice

Prince: I know my mom use to bring me here all the time I loved it but my sister was only a baby

TTPrince you have a sister can I meet her how old is she

Prince: she is 9 turning 10 and her name is royalty and don't make her mad Jesus but you can meet her after school Monday


So while me and TT was waiting on the food we just talked she told me how her dad left when she was only 5 and why she only sees her mom twice a month and I told her how my dad left

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