turn up

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"Have no fear of perfection. You'll never reach it."
                      ~Salvador Dali

So me and prince got to know each other I told him how my dad left when I was 5and why me and James only see our Mom once a month and he told how his dad had an affair with another women and they got divorced and he said I could meet his mom and I told him he could meet mine but right now we're on our way home but prince took a different turn

TT: where are we going

Prince: just ride

Me: no seriously I have to be home at ten

Prince :you'll be back before that

He pulled into this place it was a teen club it was packed

Me:priinncce I don't wanna be here

Prince: it'll be fun I promise

Me :okay

We walk in and go to the bar Prince ask the lady for a drink and it was this juice with liquor at first I didn't know so I drunk it then I got a second and I stop counting after the third one

Me:baabbby let's daanncce

Prince POV

So I only had two drinks after that I stopped cuz I gotta drive back home and tianna had way to many she is really drunk and I'm really gonna get in trouble by her brother James

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