why do you hurt me

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" do not be afraid of mistakes, providing you do not make the same one twice"
                          ~Eleanor Roosevelt.
Prince POV

I opened her book and it read why do you hurt me then I got to the part where she started writing

I don't know why but he hits me,for what I don't know I like him but does he like me,most definitely not every one loves me except him I'm almost the most popular girl in the school I got style I don't wear any makeup except mascara which I don't really need but my question is why,why do you hurt me  I like you but do you like me,I wish I've done nothing but smile and you hit me for whatever  reason did I do something wrong,I don't know I'll never know but I surely wish I did

At this point I felt so guilty about hurting her I just want to go back in time and change that fact that I ever even touched her my boys did tell me to leave her alone which is ray,Craig,and  Chres but I don't listen to any of them.

I close her "diary" and kiss her forehead once more but noticed her lips I just had to kiss them I lean in and pecked her soft plump pink lips and left them there cause of how soft they were 10 seconds later I pulled away and just stared at how peaceful she looks when she was sleeping. I walk down stairs to see James and Nasha still cuddled on the couch sleep I just shake my head and leave out the door and when I got home I got in the shower and got some lotion and it did just the thing I need but I couldn't sleep because she was on my mind but I soon dose off to sleep. with her still on my mind .



Fo da





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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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