Chapter 1

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Never would I have ever thought that I would be sitting here, in front of a door that could lead to my certain death. Breathe in, breathe out, I continuously say to myself in a poor attempt to calm my fast racing heart.

As a distraction, I begin to look around at my surroundings. The chair I'm sitting in is very uncomfortable, and I find myself constantly fidgeting. I look around the room and sigh as I realize how depressing it is. The walls, the ceiling, and the floor are all a vibrant white. The only thing that stands out is the large, brown door that sits in the middle of the wall right in front of me. This door was unlike any other. It seemed to have a mind of its own, and almost looked as if it was breathing. I kept glancing over at it with an anxious feeling sitting inside my throat, since that door was the key to my own destiny.

I sat and twiddled my fingers as I awaited someone to come in and brief me. I gave myself a onceover in the tiny mirror sitting on a table next to me. I had tied my dirty blonde hair up in a high ponytail, although it still had some rebellious strands that had fallen out. My blue eyes looked worn down and tired, since I have had many sleepless nights anxiously awaiting this day. I sighed as I looked at my reflection, thinking that this may be the last time I ever see myself.

A small girl, no more than 15 broke me out of my trance when she walked it with a big smile plastered on her face. "Why hello there Elizabeth!" she said in a voice too perky for my liking. "Hi." I replied coldly, not really motivated for a conversation. I didn't mean to be a rude person, my coldness just came naturally after my parents died. She brushed me off and continued speaking. "Well sweetie, it's about time to begin! Oh goodness this is so exciting!" she says, her short brown hair bobbing while she spoke. "Now where are my manners! My name is Lillian, and I am your Candere." After reading my quizzical look, she continued "Oh oops! How silly of me, I forgot you're new. A Candere is someone who bonds with you and becomes a part of you. They sacrifice their life to you, and become a voice in your mind and supply you with power. Usually you meet them at birth, but in our case, we sadly haven't met 'till now!".

I couldn't shake the fact that this girl is giving up her own life to become a part of me. I sat there wondering if she was being forced against her own will, or she actually wanted to be a part of this. I turned to get a better look at her, and noticed she was rather pretty. She had these warm brown eyes, and wore a long sundress, ranging from yellow on top to a deep pink at the bottom. The dress reminded me of a sunset, and I couldn't help but smile. Along her arms she was covered in many different symbols that all glowed a different colour. They were fascinating, and when she moved, they seemed to sparkle.

"Um, Elizabeth?" Lillian asks, trying to get my attention. "Yes? I uh.. I'm sorry I'm a little out of it today" I reply in a daze. "Oh that's completely fine! But, it's time for me to bond with you." I look at her with curiosity, and she continues "All I need you to do is take my hands, and I'll do the rest! Now this may sting a bit, but it'll be over before you know it" she said with a wink. I immediately backed away. "No. I refuse for you to give up your own life for me, I'm sure there's another way we can work together."

Lillian looked partially hurt at the fact I wasn't as excited as she was to create our Bond. After a moment, she recovered and began to speak. suddenly serious "Elizabeth, I am a Candere. I was chosen at birth to be one, and I have been given no choice. If I don't Bond with you, I will die. Candere's have a shorter lifespan, in order to ensure that they choose to Bond with a Guardian. You must understand that I need you. I need you more than anything else right now Elizabeth. Please do this for me" She said with tears in her eyes.

I sat, considering the variables for a moment. I could refuse to bond with this girl, and inevitably end her life, or I could Bond with her, and take away everything she has. I looked at her, her eyes pleading with me. "Alright, I will Bond with you." I said, trying to speak in a warm tone, and I even added in a smile. As I said this she beamed ear to ear, and took my hands in hers.

As she began to speak, I watched as her chestnut brown hair turn a vibrant white, and the symbols on her arms began to shine even brighter, all with their unique colours. Some were blue, with a strangle swirl pattern. Some were red, in the shape of a cross. Although, there was one that stood out to me. It was right in the centre of her palm. It blazed a vibrant purple, and displayed a unique design. It had a mix of swirls and lines that mesmerized me. Lillian continued muttering an incantation, as a strange wind began to surround us, blowing her hair wildly around her. I kept my eyes fixed on her as she spoke, until I began feeling a searing pain and collapsed to the ground.

I shrieked in pain, my body shaking violently. She continued to speak, gripping my hands tightly. Then all at once the world seemed to stop and a white ray of light flashed and blinded me, causing me to black out.

When I awoke, the room seemed silent. The pain I felt was gone, and I sat on the ground, trying to understand what happened. Where was Lillian? Hey Elizabeth, I am right here! Inside of you. I am no longer a real person, but someone lingers is inside of you. I gasped in surprise, unsure how to react. Please do not worry, you have saved my life. Now, take a look at your arms. I looked down and saw my arms were now covered in the same symbols that Lillian had. I admired how beautiful they were, although there was still a tinge of fear lingering in me. What did all of this mean?

Well I'm glad you asked! Being a Candere also allows you to access my powers after we bond. All of these symbols allow you to control the elements at your will. We can discuss what each of the symbols mean when the time comes, but for now I want you to focus on the symbol on your palm. This is called a Lightsbane. It allows you to form whatever weapon you want, and after you decide what you want it to be, you can call for it whenever you're in danger. I looked at my palm excitedly, knowing exactly what weapon I wanted. After I thought hard and focused on it for a moment, it appeared.

It was a beautiful sword, the shade of a raven. It glistened in the lights of the room, and took my breath away. The sword had the same symbols as on my arm, embellished into it. As I held it, I also admired the red ruby that sat on the end of it's grip. Wow, someone's very creative it seems. It is a beautiful weapon, and with it you can do some miraculous things! Oh Gods! We better get going! Your test is going to begin soon!

I shift my gaze back to the door, and stand up. Oh before you go, I want you to say the words "Arc Anima, Incantus" Don't ask why, just do it. I immediately grew anxious with her commands, but reluctantly I said " Arc Anima, Incantus!" and then grew weak as I fell to my knees. My body felt as though it was on fire, with everything tingling and my senses immediately becoming sharper. My body then began to glow the same white as Lillian did just moments before, and the next thing I knew, my whole look had changed. My hair was in a tight braid that ran down my back. I stood in combat boots, long leather pants, and a black V-neck. My jacket was a beautiful crimson, that hugged my curves perfectly. "Um Lillian, what is this?!" I asked mentally. Well, this is your battle armor. It is a little less thrilling than I expected, but this is what has been chosen for you. It resembles who you are as a person, and will protect you to the best of it's ability. It is lined with my magic, so it will interact with you the same ways. It is time now. Are you ready?

I had completely forgotten about my test. I am forced to walk into that door, and face whatever awaits me. If I win my battle, I will continue on to become a Guardian, and be sent to protect a royal. If I fail, I die and will be forgotten, bringing Lillian down with me. I sighed an anxious sigh and began my march towards the door. The door opened right before I could touch the handle, and I stepped through, sword in hand. The world went dark for a moment, then became icy cold. I was in some sort of frozen wasteland, although I felt no cold. My jacket seemed to do the trick and I was at a comfortable temperature, which was surprising, especially since this place should have been able to freeze me at this point.

The wind was blowing and snow surrounded me at all sides, impairing my sight and leaving me unaware of my surroundings. That is, until saw them. Soldiers surrounded me at all sides, with many different weapons in hand. Some held silver swords, others with icy bows and arrows. My heart stopped in my throat as I frantically looked around. Oh boy, this is going to be tough! "Lillian, that is not what I want to hear right now." I sighed.

I then took a deep breath and turned to my enemies. I was in a do or die situation, so It's about time I start doing, or I am going to die! I raised my sword, symbols glowing their vibrant colours, and raced at my enemies, preparing to give it all, or die trying.

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