Chapter 2

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"Get up Colin! It's 11:00! You're going to be late AGAIN!"  I heard my mother scream at me from downstairs. It amazes me that woman can yell that loudly from all the way downstairs in the dining room. I moaned and tossed over onto my left side, not feeling motivated to wake up.

I laid in my sleep for a few more precious moments, savouring my dream. It's been the same for months now. It's always me hand-in-hand with a beautiful girl, holding one final embrace. I say final, because we hold each other as if we know we're never going to see each other again.  Although I feel her, when I look at her, all I see is a grey figure staring back at me. It's almost shadow-like, but I know she's beautiful. Her long hair, the way she fits like a piece of a puzzle in my arms, I just know she's perfection. This dream makes my heart ache. I feel so comforted with her body wrapped around mine, but also afraid that as soon as she lets go I'll never see her again. Around us, a fire was beginning to rise, and the clouds continuously got darker. I looked down at her, and I couldn't help myself. I leaned down to rest my lips upon hers, my whole body filled with desire, until CRASH!

I was soaked with water, which brought me out of my dream. I groaned once again, always being interrupted before we get to finally share a kiss. You're not being very Princely Colin, doting over a girl who doesn't even exist. You're a man after all!  I think to myself, trying to shake the dream from my head.

"Well it's about time you got up! The carriage leaves in 8 minutes, so I'd hurry if I were you, unless you want to look like that" My mother says, stretching out that final word. She looked lovely as always, with a dazzling red dress that draped across her left shoulder and down to the floor. Her hair was wrapped tightly at the nape of her neck, with a silver crown centered in the middle of her head. The diamonds and amythests in the crown made her emerald green eyes glow, and she truly looked like a Queen. She smiled down at me and I realized that I was laying in bed with just my boxers on, completely exposed. I immediately blushed and shooed my mother out of the room. I'm not  very self-conscious, but something about being that exposed to my parents set me on edge.

Slowly I made my way out of bed, and very sluggishly went into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and smiled. My dark brown hair was a sleepy mess, but it brought out the blue in my eyes. I had gotten my father's looks, with his strong chin and kind eyes. I had been training with him ever since I was 8, so my body was very built. I had muscles everywhere, and could even lift a carriage if I really tried. My looks has always attracted the women at school, but they're all airheads that make me crazy. They only want me for my popularity and my status of being a Prince. I don't pay much mind to it though, since I will surely be married off by my eighteenth birthday. I am currently seventeen, my birthday in December.

I brushed out my hair and teeth, and hopped into a comfortable cloth shirt and pants. The shirt wrapped tightly around my arms, but loosly on my chest, allowing for everyone to see my form entirely, without me having to even try. I grabbed my sword off of my desk and made my way out the door of my room.

I walked down our huge corridors, the walls covered in beautiful red velvet drapings and paintings of my ancestors. My father took up the place right above the stairwell, looking regal and strong as always. I stopped to look for a moment, before running downstairs into the dining hall. It was fairly large, since we constantly have company over. Today though, my parents and our servants were the only ones. My father was scribbling in his notebook, surely making plans for the day. My mother was sipping her tea and having a discussion with one of the servants over our plans for the ball next week.

This ball was very special, since it was devoted solely to me. I know that sounds horribly vein, but it was. It was my Choosing Day, in which the headmaster of my school  would choose one of the Guardians to become my protector for when I become king. A bond between a Prince and his Guardian are very strong, giving both power and strength when together. It's crucial we have a Guardian, or else we risk death by assasination or worse.

I greeted my parents in the hall while grabbing a piece of toast and rushing out the door. The carriage was waiting for me, with my closest friend Westen waiting for me. We had been close friends since 2 years old, since he is a prince of a colony nearby, and we find comfort in knowing someone in the same boat as we are. Westen had a cheeky grin on his face, his blonde hair covering up one eye. "Have I ever got a story for you!" he says bubbling with excitement. I raised an eyebrow in reply, as I greeted the servant at the carriage.

The warm July air was comforting as the sun beat down on me. I breathed in deeply for a moment, taking in the sweet smell of the flowers and trees. Our castle was one of the most beautiful of them all, with the grounds kept in impeccable condition. My mother has always been obsessed with keeping them clean and proper, just as her mother before her.

"Fine, but let me finish my toast and tell me in the carriage, or else we're going to be late. This week is the week I have to make an impression, and if it's a bad one, Headmaster Caulman will give me a lousy Guardian!" I said to Westen, grabbing his arm and pulling him into the carriage.

I finished my toast quickly, and turned to Westen. Just as I did so, the carriage started it's move towards the school. "Okay spill, what's up?" I asked Westen, trying to show interest in whatever he had to say. My mind was occupied with school and my Guardian, and I wasn't really interested in whatever gossip he had about the guys at school. "Well...." he said a touch of hesitation in his voice " There's a girl at school"

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