Chapter 24

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As we made our way to the dining hall I felt a strange chill run down my spine. Looking around I saw we weren't in some dark realm, we were in a castle. This castle was truly magnificent. Everything was a deep, raven black. The floor was a black marble, lined with white. The walls were all black, with silver swirls and designs flowing across it. Along with the swirls, there hung tapestries.

Each tapestry was different, each with a singular man doing something. He was magnificent, standing tall, proud, full of prosperity. He had a sly grin in some of the tapestries, and a serious face in others. His eyes shone a deep scarlet red, and in some of the tapestries, they seemed to look straight into you. He had a mess of black hair on his head, and wore a black set of armour.

As we walked along, I followed the tapestries, watching this mystery-man as he did many different tasks. In one, he was riding atop a horse, charging towards a battle. In another, he was in sword combat, a silver sword glinting in his hand. In another he stood beside a beautiful women. She was the definition of beauty. Her ocean blue eyes sparkled as she stood next to him. Her blonde hair blew in the wind, as did the flowing yellow dress she wore. She smiled warmly, wrapped up in the man's arms. He wasn't smiling, but looking longingly down at her.

The next picture caught my interest. I paused for a moment. This picture had the man and women as well, wrapped tightly in an embrace. Though the difference in this picture is there was someone else. A young girl, no more than 2 stood right underneath them, her little chubby arms wrapping around one of each of their legs. In the picture, the little girl wore a small, black tiara. It had a red gem in the centre that seemed to shine, even in just the tapestry. That's when I noticed both of her parents also had crowns, the mother with a silver, the father with a gold. "Why are all of the crowns such strange colours?" I wonder to myself. Something about that picture pulled at my heart strings, as if my heart recognized something my head didn't.

I finally stopped at the last picture, the man was in combat once more. Thought this time it showed him at the front of an army, his arm raised. Then I saw it. In his hand was a sword. But not just any sword. The sword was a deep black, lined with gems, and It was scribed in a vast array of runes. I gasped as I squinted at it to get a better look. It was undoubtedly it. My sword.

"Mmm, he's a picture of wonder isn't he?" Erador says to me, breaking my intense thoughts. I look up at him, and nod silently. Why does Erador have pictures of a random man on the wall? And why does that random man have MY sword!?

"My dear, as much as I'd love to show you around the castle, we must continue to breakfast or the cooking ladies will have my head" he says with a chuckle, and a sparkle in his eyes. I got lost in their violet shade for a moment. He seemed so calm, and he's accepted me so easily. Even though I fell here, uninvited, he treats me as if I've always belonged here.

He offers his arm to me once more, to which I loop mine around his. We walk further down the halls, and I catch a glimpse out the window. It seems there is a forest surrounding us, with a lake just behind the castle. It is truly a beautiful sight, but Erador slightly pulls me along, clearly wanting to make it in time for breakfast.

I keep my eyes fixed on the ground, lost in thought as to who that man is, and why he has my sword. Lillian created the sword using her magic, and my imagination. I'd never seen a sword like it before. Although apparently this man has.

We enter the dining room, and I lose my breath once more. All around the room is a vibrant mix of colours. The floor is another marble shade, this time a pure white. The walls were a golden colour, and in the centre of the room, there stood a long, hardwood table. Along the walls are a mix of swords and shields, along with a big crest with an eagle flying upwards, it's wings outstretched, a black background resting behind it.

Erador leads me to a spot on the table and moves the chair for me to sit. I thank him and sit slowly, embracing the luxury of it all. He smiles as he notices my astonishment. He then sits and let's out two claps. Then about 7 women ran out and set the table, filling it with every kind of food imaginable. They all nodded to me as they scooted out of the room, smiles on their faces. I grab some fruit and a piece of bread, and nibble on that.

"Er....Erador?" I ask, still nervous talking to a complete stranger like this. "Yes?" He says, looking up from his eggs.

"Who was the man in the tapestries we past?" I ask, in hopes of getting some answers.

"Oh, well that was King Artem. A brilliant man is he not?" Erador answers, his eyes shining as he says this.

"What did he do?" I say, prying for answers.

"Well, the King was an amazing man. He not only saved the kingdom from the poverty it was struck with, but he also formed trade routes with many other kingdoms, creating jobs and happiness for almost everyone who lived here. He also never backed down from a fight, and accompanied his men on every battle they ever attended.

Artem was said to be a god, though nobody named which one. I don't believe that, I just think he was a good man"
Erador says, and my eyes light up from listening to the stories of the King.

Erador raises an eyebrow then continues "The King was a simple man though. He only wanted love and to raise a family. And that he did. He fell for a princess of a nearby land, her name Rosaline. The two were not only an amazing match for the two kingdoms, but also were a love match. The King lived for Princess Rosaline, hanging onto every word she said."

"The King married her, and Rosaline was then no longer a princess, but a Queen. The two ruled together with a strong hand. They made this land prosper, and from their love came a newborn little girl. She was their pride and joy. The girl had a smile that could melt even the most frozen of hearts" Erador says, a look of nostalgia in his eyes.

"Unfortunately, disaster struck. When the young princess was no more than 3, she snuck into one of her father's trunks as they trudged off to battle. The suitcase was very heavy from her weight, and the trunk was also filled with precious jewels to offer as gifts to other traders they may pass by. The weight was too heavy for the horses, so they abandoned the trunk, hoping whoever found it would enjoy the riches inside. None knew of the young girl sitting in it, breathing through the little holes formed from lots of travel" he says, his sadness clear in the tone of his voice.

"Many loved her dearly, and her father was devastated when Rosaline told him that she was missing, and they finally realized that their little girl was gone. The pain of losing her drove the two mad, and Rosaline took her life, not two fortnights after hearing the news. This put the King into even more of a dispair, and in the heat of battle, he lost his will, and was defeated. Since then, the castle has been left as a cold memory of what used to be"

Tears were welling in my eyes as I heard the story. "What happened to the princess?" I ask.

"She's not been found. We searched and searched for months, even years. Someone had taken the trunk, and the Gods are the only ones who know where and why" Erador says, shaking his head. I touch his arm to comfort him.

"And what of the castle now?" I ask, unsure of why I wanted to know so much of this place that had no impact on me.

"Well, the castle was brought down here, through the magic that came from the pain of Artem and Rosaline. The kingdom now belongs to a new ruler, though if the princess was ever found, she would inevitably take over the throne" Erador says.

"And what does this all have to do with you?" I say, this being my final question.

"Well milady, funny you should ask. I am the King of this castle, and the betrothed to the lost princess" He says, eyes twinkling.

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