Chapter 27

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The cool water of the stream felt amazing on my aching body. I sigh as I let the cool water envelope me. My muscles were screaming, and I then made sure to rub my body of all the dirt and blood that covered it. I glanced over and saw Westen doing the same.

"Care to tell me what you're doing here?" I ask, relieved to see him, but wondering what he could possibly be here for.

"Well your highness, the Queen had been told about Queen Everest being missing in the forests near our kingdom, and she very much voiced her concerns. She found me in the halls of Aphellium and assigned me to go find Everest. I was reluctant at first, but in the end I agreed" he says.

"Okay, but then how did you end up with the bandits of all people?"

"Well I was casually walking in the woods, when I saw the gang bullying someone, demanding information. I was concerned they had gotten to Everest before I could, so I rushed over. When I saw it was you, I was even more concerned. I tried to act natural as if I fit in, before I executed an attack"

"Ah well, thank you for your kindness. I will alert the Queen of your valiant efforts when we return. As for Everest, Elizabeth and I had encountered her on our journey. She is with us now, though for the moment she is at our camp." I say, walking out of the creek.

"Oh thank gods! I was so worried I'd find her dead, or worse. I don't know what I'd do if I wasn't able to save her from the demons of these woods." Westen sighs.

That's when I remember. Elizabeth. I had totally forgotten I was out here looking for her! I looked up and saw it was almost dusk, and we should return to camp before we get lost.

"Shall we go to my camp?" I ask Westen. I'm hoping Elizabeth had made her way back to the camp now.

Westen nods, and we walk back towards the fire. It takes about 20 minutes to return there from where we are, and when we do, I scan the camp for her. I catch a glimpse of Westen's jaw dropping when he sees Everest. He then quickly closes it and makes his way up to her, in a poor attempt to look attractive.

I chuckle as I see a look of disgust cross Everest's face.

I look around longer as worry begins to fill me. I check the entire area. Nothing. Elizabeth is still missing. My heart plummets to my stomach as a new sort of panic begins to fill me. I lost her once, I'm not going to lose her again.

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