Chapter 9

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I was fuming as I watched him leave. My chest heaved as I used the paper towels in a poor attempt to dry off. My top was soaking, and I knew everything, and I mean everything, was visible.

Y'know! He was pretty cute, you didn't have to be such a meanie!  I heard Lillian mumbling. "Well what would you have done if an arrogant prince was checking you out and commanding you to explain things that didn't even involve him?" I snapped in return. Oh Elizabeth go home! The bell rang an hour ago, and you're being such a bum!  I bet you need to go take a real nap... she replies. "I'M NOT TIRED OR GRUMPY!" I shout.

The other guys in the courtyard turn to me with skeptic glares, and then whisper things to each other. They probably all think I'm a loon for talking to myself, since undoubtedly most of these guys were princes who don't have Canderes. A prince can't have a Candere, since they would lay claim to their "royal minds" and it's against code for them to have a Bond.

I moaned when I finally accepted this was as good as my shirt was going to get. I grabbed my backpack and binders. I placed my backpack on my back, to cover my wet bottom along with my back. I then grabbed my binders and hugged them to my chest. I still looked wet, but at least nobody could see anything.

Even though I had concealed myself, I still felt eyes on me. Some looked at me questioningly, others frantically trying to see if they could catch a glimpse of something they shouldn't. I was sure I had on a scowl on my face, since nobody made any efforts to approach me. I couldn't help it, there was a fire of anger inside of me that I couldn't diminish. I was so mad at that Colin guy for being such a jerk!

"Pompous Princes..." I say to myself, shaking my head at my locker. It was very warm outside, but I still wore my jacket to cover up. I could feel myself sweating already, but I didn't mind. After all, isn't it better to be concealed and warm than revealed and cool? Besides, home was only about an hour away, then I could change.

I had to walk home, since I couldn't afford a carriage. The walk would give me a chance to think and get some fresh air. I started down the path, walking slowly at first. I was lost in thought over my dream, wondering why I kept having it, and what it could mean. I shook my head and started walking faster, not really wanting to have this topic in my mind right now.

I wondered why Lillian wasn't around, she's so talkative I would've expected her to be chatting up a storm on the way home. That's when deep in my mind I heard the soft breathing and snores coming from her. She had a long day too, using most of her magic to protect me in the battle.

I enjoyed the scenery on my way home. The summer weather was nice, and I loved looking at the songbirds and vibrant green trees. By the time I got home, it was nearly sundown and I was already exhausted.

As soon as I reached my home I sighed. I wished I had a nicer place to return to. I lived in a small shack, with only a bedroom, a bathroom, and a living room with a built in kitchen. It was small and old, but it was all I could afford. I wandered in and saw Grey, my shorthair cat. He was fat and plump, and meowed happily when he saw me.

Grey was my mum's cat before she past away. My parents got caught in a wildfire when I was young. I lived with my grandparents until they grew too old to take care of me. I felt like a burden to them, so I let them be.

I left some cat kibble in Grey's bowl, though he was much more interested in me. I collapsed onto my small bed, letting the exhaustion take over. I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow, and I felt Grey curl up to me.

Though as I slept, I was completely unaware as someone sneakily entered my home, touched my cheek with his palm, then left a lily  with  a note on my table, before disappearing without a sound.

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