One : Revival

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My new library room was my source of inspiration ,I spent hours stuck there reading and writing about these  magical true friends I'm still looking to have . MUm and dad weren't as worried as they've always been because they were very affraid of what happened to me last year . My new school was litterally hellish, absolutely as bad as the other one , or maybe worse . At least no one dared bother me while reading in a lonely corner , or make fun of me at class , it was just another stupid school where I was suffocating everyday , rolling my eyes every time a gang of girls passed , dressed in ugly obsence outfits , gossiping and laughing at others  . However , one day , something strange occured , and my darkest , most scary fears happened .

It was during a blisternigly-hot autumn  evening while I was reading peacefully during lunch break as I didn't really fancy having lunch at the overcrowded , buzzing canteen . I noticed a fat and clumsy looking boy heading in my direction , his face was blushing red in  anger , his veins emerging under his olive skin , and very suddenly without urging his hands reached my book , he threw it away in the courtyard , his hands in fists , ready to fight . Still in a state of shock , I opened my mouth to yell , groan at the silly teenager , but words couldn't come out , the boy stood still , eyes fixed on mine and then he said in such a furious  voice filled with haterd  :

" Couldn't bother to keep your nose away huh ? You filthy little girl "
"I don't have a clue what you're talking ab_" But the boy didn't seem to hear any word I was saying

" Happy now huh , you think you're brillinat dont ya ? " he said eyes filled with haterd " You little stupid piece of dust think you can beat him ? You think you can be more powerful than his majesty ? How dare you even stand here , sane  and healthy when he's suffering , powerless , deseperate, laying in a cave ?"

"I still can't get anything  , who'se that majesty you're talkin about ?" I stammed 
"Shut up ! Shut your hole ! Don't you ever , ever dare talking about him that way again , this is your  end, Erudite , he now knows it's you , he knows where you are , he will be back again , he will beat you _ " there was a slight pause "_ without mercy ! " He almost shouted the last words , his iris going reddish  , blood rushing in  his cheeks and then suddenly he rolled  his eyes in terror , he shook his head , burrying it in his trembling hands , stared at me than said looking puzzled , blood draining from his face  " Who are you ?" he asked ? 
"I think I am the one supposed to ask " I almost yelled at him angrily

" I _ I don't know what I'm even doing here , I_ I must be in detention anyways , oh heavens ! Mrs Grouns is going to kill me ! " 

He ran away from me in terror still shaking and trembling until he totally disappeared into the crowds filling the  busy courtyard .

When I turned back , a foreign figure was staring at me : It was a boy . Tall and thin , black and straight hair falling on his forhead .His eyes were brown , not the dull brown but a light one   that makes you want to stare at his deep gaze foever  ,  the sun was reflecting its light on them like litte stars in a galaxy ,   he had a small and elegant  nose , acuurant  small mouth which kept smiling at me gently. He ran his fingers through his  slightly oily hair ,then touched the back of his neck  , my novel in his left hand , still opened at the page where I did last stop reading .

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