Fourteen : Invisible is cought

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Hey ! this chapter is really really long ( about 4200 words) but it's gonna be really amazing , there are a lot of challenges to do , of codes to unlock and of thinking , and the plot is going to shift a little towards science fiction , so enjoy ! 

The picture above represents Lily , I found this on internet and it happens to be a scene in a film named " fantastic four" which I have never heard of and I was really happy to find this gif labeled with "the queen of invisibiliy" because it matches Lily very well  . 

I'm also glad because this seems a popular series and I have thought of something that looks a bit like it . 

I'll have another comment below to make a few points clear because I don't want to spoil things here ;)


I woke up when the first rays of sun penetrated my room through the thick glass of the window . I rubbed  my sleepy eyes and stretched in my bed under the warm sheets . I barely forgot where I am , at home , starting a new boring day at my stupid school ? Then the  wooden furniture everywhere across  the room reminded me of everything

I made my way down the stairs on tiptoes , careful not to wake anyone , I reached the kitchen , and within minutes , breakfast was ready for everyone : the casual toasts and bacon and scrambled eggs with a cup of milk and knaufa to replace coffe . I made  three dishes  for Who , Lily and I which I carried in a tray to my room , and one for Mr Capsree which I left on the table with a note " Thanks for recieving us in your home and helping us find the princess's vault , you have most of the credit if we beat Shadows , we'll say hello to the queen for you when we save her , take care , yours Emily , Who and Lily "

PS: make sure you warm up your breakfast , it ain't delecious when it's cold 

When I made my way into my room , Who was awake , chatting with Lily who sat up at the foot of my bed 

" Mornin'" I said cheerfully

" Mornin'" they both reponded at the same time 

" I made breakfast " 

" Great I'm starving" Said Who 

We ate silently , and fast , removed the dishes and put them in  the sink in the kitchen , Lily carried three bags , one for each of us . 

" I think we've got all we need , I loaded it with canned  food , clean clothes , and water " She said 

" They don't seem so heavy " I said picking one of the bags and testing it on my back 

" Shall we get dressed ? " asked Who 

" Yes , we need to hurry , sun is going to fully rise  in a few hours " 

" Okay " he said " What do you think we need to wish for , to be comfartable in fighting " said Who punching the air with his fists and kicking nothing with his legs 

" We aren't going to jump from roof to roof Who , we'll find the vault , take the ring and disappear " I said , unable to help laughing at him , which seemed to please him as his cheeks blushed red and he smiled shyily

" So ? " he asked 

" Jumpsuits , they'll be good , if we will fight bears and dinosaurs " I said rolling my eyes and suddenly three folded jumpsuits appeared on the bed 

" They're ready , go, go ,go ! " said Who picking a jumpsuit labeled with his name and going out of the room , shutting the door gently . 

Lily and I dressed quickly , I in a dark   suit , her in a military-green one . I was finished tying my hair  in a ponytail when I heard a gentle knock on the door 

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