Seventeen : Memory lost

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" I don't have much time " I said facing Lily , Who and the queen a minute or so later . 

" I will fade , just like him , minutes later " 

" All of the Mivisilans owe you their lives Emily " Said the queen , regaining her beauty and power , her face was shiny like it has always been , her ginger hair fell on her shoulders , messily but still pretty , her grey eyes twinkeled, full of pride and gratefulness . 

"You were so brave , so selfless , you were great Emily , we will never forget how you saved all of us , sacrificing your own life " She continued, a sweet smile playing on her mouth , a few tears gathering in her eyes . 

" It is my duty , I've just done what I had to " I said resisting a strong sensation to curl in a ball and sob , I couldn't just forget all of this , my friends , my dear friends , the only ones I have ever had , the ones that cheered me up , the ones that wiped my tears , reliesed my gieves , the ones that were always ready to lend me hand when I nedded them , who never hesitated to throw themselves in hell to save me . 

" You owe me one thing queen Elizabeth " I said in determination " An explanation" 

" I see " she said biting her lip " You're asking for much , because I have no idea what to say , but I can make a guess" She said 

" And it is ?" I asked , thirsty for an answer 

" I believe that the night you fought Shadows , before your birth , he didn't destroy the elements " She said the corners of her mouth stretching in a tiny smile 

" How can that be possible ?" Asked Who 

" I think that the silent combat between Shadows's and Emily's power ended in destroying Shadows , and therefore taking away all of his powers , even the ones he never thought he gained , like the capability to control fire and earth ." 

"Therefore , the elements' powers penetrated in Emily's body , and stayed lean and sleepy , almost unused , until the right time arrived " she continued curling her hair around her finger , the way she always does when she is thinking . 

" Was that possibility even considered before ?" Asked Lily 

" Yes , the first habitants of Mivisiland considered the possibility of a person powerful enough to endure the burden of all four elements together , in one body , they were even known as Nature Masters in the very first centuries , but years passed , and none with those qualities appeared , and people started believing they can't exist , until they became a legend ." she said , her silver eyes staring at mine , full of amazement , and something I have never felt in my life , respect . 

" Will it make her remember ? I maen she still has the power of  other elements so she will have a supernatural side in her  and  she won't forget , won't she? " asked Who deseperately . 

" I'm afraid she can not , the other elements' powers inside her are faint , and we can not call her fire doer or earth master , the tree of life identified her as a winter doer , and that's what she'll always be , if winter doing is destroyed , she will be destroyed too , I'm sorry " she said avoiding eye contact with me , destroying every last hope in me . It was my fate , and I couldn't escape it , I now have to leave this wondeful world ,my world ,  and go back to what used to be my dark , lonely life . Unseen , unnoticed , laughed at , hated . I'll be the wierd girl again , the one that seemed never to live in the twenty first century , the daydreaming girl , always lost  in thoughts , always lonely , her nose always burried in a book , that girl who had no friends , no lover , had  no life . I didn't notice my eyes watering until a tear leaked on my cheek , bringing me back to reality . I wiped it , but more kept falling no matter how I resisted . 

" Emily " whiseperd Lily her face drowned in sorrow . 

" I'm okay " I said gathering myself together " I really am , I-I just need a word with the queen , can I ?" She nodded and grabbed Who's arm , leaving me alone with the queen . 

" Thank you , for everything " I said 

" You are the on to be thanked , not me " she smiled 

" You believed in me , and I have to thank you for that " I said forcing a smile on my lips 

The queen nodded , quickly moving her gaze to the ground but I could notice a tiny drop of water spill on her white skin . 

" Please make sure they don't suffer much" I said my voice painefully going out of my  burning throat 

" I will " She said and we stared at each other for a while before she opened her arms and I threw myself into them , feeling the warmth of her good heart , smelling the fragnence of her natural parfum , the one that always stinks to her , the smell of orchids. She eventually let go of me ,a wide beam on her elegant mouth . 

" Take care " She whisepered 

" You too " I smiled and headed towards Who and Lily sitting on the edge of the cliff , their legs dangling in midair . 

" I have one last question " I said turning  to the queen 

" Yes ?" she said without facing me 

" What was the element you could bend , before the big destruction ?" 

She laughed slightly and faced me , her lips smiling gently 

" Earth " she said 

I nodded , and ran towards Who and Lilly sitting between the both of them 

" It is the end my friends " I said after a while of silence , watching the beautiful sun hide behind the mountains , resting peacefully in a bed of dusk . 

" What a beautiful sunset " I whisepered 

" Not as beautiful as you " Said Who , sending chills to my body , and his fingers bushed mine , then my hand slipped in his and I rested my head over his shoulder , closing my eyes , I wished I could be there forever , happy and warm . 

" From earth to Emily do you copy  " called  Lily in a funny tone throwing her head on my shoulder too 

" ohh " I chuckled pressing a kiss on her cheek 

" I love you Lily , I realy do, my best friend  " I whispered , stroking her curly hair 

" And I love you too Who , my lover " I whisepered again admiring his deep brown eyes from the corner of my eye . 

He slid a paper under my hand and I opened it to see my own reflection looking at me . Was it a mirror ? I thought for the slight moment before realising it was a portrait of me . 

" You drew this in your second day at school didn't you ? " I asked " The one you tossed in your bag " 

" Yes , the very same portrait of the girl my heart pounded for since my eyes fell on her " He said smiling ,  though tears  were wetting his cheeks . 

We sat there for what seemed like years ,  the three of us holding hands, our heads on each others' shoulder , then I felt it , a part of my soul being ripped , stabbed by a million of sharp knives . I squeezed their hands harder , forcing my eyelids shut , a tear escaping each one of them . 

" Remember we love you  " said Who and Lily at the same time  

" I will " I beamed 

Then my vision blurred , and everything went dark . 


Hello guys ; thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this chapter . 

It really means a lot for me , I can assure you my heart has been ripped in pieces when I wrote this , I am very, very  sorry . 

But we can't escape truth . 

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