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It's really important that you believe , and everything will go just the way you want it to . 

That's all I can say about this last chapter ... 


" I will , I will , I will " 

She woke up , burried in the warm covers of her bed , everything she could  remember were  two words buzzing in her head . 

" I will "  she rubbed sleep from her eyes , her head was so heavy she couldn't left it , she felt dizzy , and lost , as  if a part of her was gone ,  as if , she was never going to be the same . 

She rose slowly to her feet , tossing them in her slippers . The  faint sun rays were penetrating from behind the clouds covering the sky  . She slowly set the curtains of her window  away , admiring the fabulous way in which  rain was falling , wetting the empty streets , watering the trees , thumping on her  glass in such a hypnotizing melody  . The sight of the neighbours' houses blurred through the heavy drops of water leaking on the window. She swore she saw a foggy figure move somewhere on one of the nearby  roofs , but she shook her head , she was already feeling bad and now she was  seeing things . An icy chill hit her bare arms in her T-shirt as she opened the window , the strong smell of damp  soil tickeling her nostrils , she extended  her hand , letting the thick rain  brush her fingers , and she closed her eyes , drowning in a sea of pleasure , of calm and peace , she and the tick-tacks of the rain  , alone , sometimes interrupted by thunder , making her jump backward . 

"Emily what are you doing ?" cried a voice from behind her bringing her back to reality

" What ? " She shot , annoyed . It was her mother standing at the door , her arms crossed 

" You're going to get sick , it's  freezing outside " said  

" Fine" She closed the window and grabbed  a woolen  jacket . 

" For how long have I been sleeping ?" she asked buttoning the jacket 

" Two hours or so , why ?"

" nothing , it just seemed a three-day nap , how come that the weather changed so suddenly , it felt like hell a few  days ago " 

" Oh , it's  always this way in autumn , I think we're heading towards very cold days " 

" yeah.." she muttered 

"Oh I almost forgot  , someone left you a gift today , I didn't want to open it " Said Mrs Erudite after a while 

" Really ? Where ?" she asked puzzled , who would anyone ever give a gift to someone like her ?

" In the back door " 

Emily hurried downstairs , taking two stairs at once , ignoring her mother's " Watch your step" echoing from her room . 

She opened the back door where a brown suitcase was waiting for her , a few drops of rain managing to wet its surface , she put it in her lap , wiping the water  and opened it , excitement burning inside  her 

The suitcase was full of piles of books , organised in a way that she couldn't see any of the titles . Confused , her fingers hurried to one of the novels before her eyes spotted a piece of parchement under her foot , she removed it , surprised to see the words still easy to read although the mud was  covering them :

" Dear Em 

Things have really become good in here thanks to you , 

people have regained their ancient powers before the big destruction , and we're all happy, 

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