Fifteen : Under control

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The door slid open enough for me to enter the narrow wooden cabin . 

It was dark except for the few rays of sunlight that penetrated through the cracks in the wood . 

The room was empty except for two tables facing each other with countless drawers . 

I started opening one after one crazily until I felt a rush of cold in my muscles as I opened the last drawer in the third row  , I looked at my hands and my nails were covered in frost 

" Fight it " I whispered to myself closing my eyes in concentration and when I opened them again , my nails were back to their normal appareance , and I grabbed the only metallic box in the drawer , and to my surprise , I opened it without any code or riddle or fingerprinting and inside it layed a beautiful  golden ring shaped in a tiny eagle , exactly similar to the head of the Thundral ,the invisibility sign . 

I pocketed the ring and headed outside the hut ,its door slamming shut behind me , the hut becomming invisible again  . Who and Lily were waiting deseperately near the tree we were resting at earlier . 

" I found it " I said , my lips playing in a wide smile and I lended the ring to Lily who examined it carefully .

" Shall we try it ?" she asked

" It seems useless after all the security we passed through , but yes , let's do it, just to make sure " 

She nodded , and placed the ring in her finger , closing her eyes , and then suddenly it happeened , her hair , tighed in a pony tale freed loose , its yellowish colour changing to golden 

" That's amazing " I said as her hair stopped flying in the air as if an invisible storm messed it , and within seconds , it was yellow again . 

" Hey , cheer up girls , two signs found " Exclaimed Who, lending us both of his hands which we clapped at the same time 

" We need to celebrate you know " Said Lily taking off the ring and placing it in the pocket of her boot in which she kept the spiral and Mr Appfree's stolen tool 

" Yeah , let's set the tent and eat , I'm starving " I said fetching my bag for a tent 

" Hey Who did you bring a tent ? " asked Lily 

" No , you were the one supposed to pack " 

" No , we both were supposed to pack" 

" You're kidding right " I said " Oh , no , did you think of everything and forgot about a tent , seriously ? " I almost yelled 

" What are we going to do now ? " Asked Who 

" Nothing , you two freeze to death , I don't mind it " I said angrily throwing my bag to the ground and grabbing my water bottle

" Hey , calm down I have an idea " Said Lily 

" What ? " Asked Who as angrily as me 

" Well just take us to Korkans would you ?"

" Money isn't going to help Lily " He said shaking his head 

" Yes we can buy a tent " I suggested ducking my bottle in the bag 

" Oh , just take me there and you'll know everything " She said 

" Fine " Said Who and the three of us grabbed each other's hands and we suddenly left nothing but dust behind us . 

We appeared in front of an enormous modern building , containing about a hundred of floors , windows covering nearly all of its surface . 

" Okay , now take us to the 15th floor" She said and we disappeared again , arriving in a long and tight corridor , empty except for us . 

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