The new beginning and the old rival

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It is the first day of College and for Okuda Manami, the same Manami who was a shy two-braided hair girl and now a brave girl, was the beginning of a new life; she was finally in her dream College, the college that she strived hard to get. Kunugigaoka Science and Arts College was not only popular for it's good education but also for its high-class life style, but for Manami all that mattered was that she is now a student of the best science college of the country.

"Hmmm...Now where is the chemistry room?" She murmurs to herself.

Fearing that she might lose her way Manami asks direction from the passer by, as she finally reaches her class.

"Thank goodness I found it in time" Manami breathes heavily.

As she settles down, she takes out her books.

"Okuda-san" Calls out a familiar voice from behind.

As she looks behind, she recognizes the voice to be one of her former classmates while she was in Junior high.

"Karma-kun" she replies with a smile.

The red haired boy approaches towards Manami.

"It's been a long time, Okuda-san"

"Yes, it has"

Karma leans very close to Manami.

"Oh, you've changed a lot. You look really cute in your new hairstyle"

"Tha...Thanks Karma-kun" A shy Manami replies.

"And your chest has got bigger too"

"What" Manami turns as red as an apple"What are you saying Karma-kun" Karma burst out laughing.

"I was just joking, stop being so serious" He pats Manami's head.

"Jeez, Karma-kum you have not stopped with your pranks."

"That's me" Smirks Karma

As Manami and Karma have a conversation, a large crowd of girls starts gathering around the classroom entrance.

"I wonder what the commotion all about is," Asks Manami.

"Maybe, a handsome rich guy is coming, poor lad first day of College and he's already suffering"

"Wow, that means there are guys more handsome than you, strange no girls are crowding you" Teases Manami.

"Hmmmm...Good humour Okuda-san, but as long as I have you, who needs other women" Karma gives a wicked smile.

"Karma-kun" Manami again turns as red as an apple.

"I was just joking again" He burst out laughing.

A boy with light Orange hair tries pushing through the crowd.

"Let me go, I'm having classes" Protested the boy

"Please give me your number"

"Please give me you e-mail" Shouted the girls as the boy rushes through and finally pulls himself out of the crowd.

"Now leave me alone, before I put this College in trouble" Commanded the boy.

"Isn't that Asano-kun?" pointed Manami towards the boy.

Asano Gakusho, rich and popular and the only son of his family, Karma's rival in junior high and High School.

As Asano walks towards the room, he notices Karma chatting with Manami and walks towards both of them.

"Akabane Karma, we meet again"

"Whoa...Asano-san, it's rare seeing you here, I thought you'd be ruling Kunugigaoka by now"

"I will one day, but only the School, this College will be mine as well," replied a confident Asano.

"And I'll be ruling you" smirks Karma.

"We'll see about that"

"Oh yes, we will" Karma and Asano give a long stare at each other before Manami breaks them up.

"Come on you guys, you should be glad meeting each other after a long time, but you're still fighting as ever"

"Who are you?" Questioned a serious Asano to Manami.

"Okuda Manami" replied a serious and rude Karma.

"I didn't ask you, but whatever I'll make sure I show you your right place Akabane" Sayi nkng that Asano drives off to a different desk.

"Karma-kun, you-"

"Don't bother about it," interrupted Karma "He's just as delusional as ever"

"Oh Okay"

The Teacher enters the class, the students start settling down.

"Welcome students to a new beginning of you life, I'm sure you're all excited, aren't you"

All the students nod except for a lazy Karma and a distracted Asano.

"Get ready now then, because this isn't high school where you can goof off, but this is College and you performance in her will decide your life"

As all the students converse between themselves, Manami looks on hopefully toward her future.

Karma, Okuda and Asano: The Ultimate RivalryWhere stories live. Discover now