A target for others : Manami

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"karma-kun since when did you like Biology?" questioned a surprised Manami.

"Well,......." he pauses for a while.

"let's go already, It'll be late" a grumpy Asano complained.

As the three walked back to class a few figures locked their eyes on a simple nerd Manami walking in between the IKEMEN of the College.

"Look at that bitch" whispered one of the girls.

"how can asano-sama and karma-sama even walk with a woman like her" whispered the other.

"She must be taught a lesson girls., Let us make sure she doesn't bother them" Grunted one of the girls as the rest agreed to her suggestion.


Manami and Karma were walking back together when Asano approached them.

"Can I walk with you people?" He nervously asks Manami, she replies with a warm smile.

"Heh...didn't know a guy like you would even want to walk" teased Karma.

"Shut up Akabane, or else I'll smack you."

"Oh yeah! You think you can do that huh. Come at me"-

"What are you two doing, please stop it" pleaded Manami as both the boys stopped in their way and started walking peacefully.

Manami stopped in her way and looked back.

"Oye, Okuda-san what happened" called out Karma.

"Uh...no...nothing... I felt like someone was following us. I think I'm just imaging things" Manami ran towards the boys as a figure watches the three of them walking.

Back at home Manami is preparing ramen when the memory flashes back.

"Why did it feel like someone was behind us. That feeling is undeniable" she thinks.

"Okuda-san, the ramen looks tasty" a hungry drooling Hinata rushes to the kitchen.

"Oh Hinata-san you're already back, how did your classes go"

"It was quiet a hard day today, the children just weren't listening "

"You've got to hang on there" they both giggled while eating ramen.


Hinata and Okuda were sleeping peacefully when a loud noice wakes them both up. They quickly rush towards the direction of the noice when the find the kitchen window broken with a rock wrapped in a paper.
Manami picks uo the paper puasing for a while.

"What happened Okuda-san, what is in that paper." asked a worried Hinata.

"Nothing Hinata-san, someone did by mistake" Manami assures Hinata who could clearly see that she was lying.


Asano walks towards the college when he sees Manami all lost in thoughts.

"Oye....Manami" called out Asano.

Manami quickly runs away before Asano could properly talk to her.

"What just happened, why did she run away" a shocked Asano wonders.

Manami keeps on running when she bumps into Karma and falls on the ground.

"Oh....Okuda-san are you okau. Here" Karma extends his hand to help.

"Ah.....I'm sorry. I'm busy now" saying that Manami quickly got up on her own and ran away.

"Okuda-san, are you okay" Karma calls out to Manami who went away without listening to him.

The whole day went with Manami avoiding both of them much to their shock.

"Oye, Akabane what have you done that Manami is avoiding me" an annoyed Asano walked upto Karma.

"Isn't that what you should answer me?" Taunted Karma back.

"Oh just let it be. I'm more concerned about why Manami"

"That is what I'm thinking as well " said a rather worried Karma.

"Let's find out why she's doing that" suggested Asano.

"I've never agreed with you, but I'll go with this one" replied Karma much tk Asano's surprise.

A few days passed with Manami ignoring both of them.

As Karma walks home lost in his thought he bumps into his old classmate Hinata.

"Oh Karma, how are you doing"

"Hinata-san, I'm doing fine"

"I heard you're in the same college as Okuda-san"

"Uh.....oh... Yeah..... We're taking the same subject only" A rather distracted Karma replied.

"And say....is Okuda-san doing ok?" Hinata's concerned look was not hidden from Karma's eyes.

"What is it Hinata-san, is something going on"

Hinata narrates the whole incident to Karma as Karma stands in shock.

to be continued.....
(Gomen....Minna san......for being so late.. But I promise that updates will be more regular from now on...)

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