[ 1 ] New Friends

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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Why is the clock ticking exceptionally slow every Economics and Management class? Chanyeol wants to fucking get out of this lecture hall right now. It's too boring-- everything is boring, the subject, his classmates, and especially the old professor lady who keeps on blabbering about how they should fucking ace her midterms or else they're gonna see her ugly face again next semester, is very boring.

Chanyeol doesn't miss the wink that old hog shot him when she said that.


It's not for Park Chanyeol to strive so hard in college though, because everybody knows he doesn't have to do that. He is extremely perfect in all he does without him trying, and he even got the highest rank in their department-- the student body president. Again.

He didn't even try to get that to say the least. The student body gave that position to him, just like in high school. Teachers and students love (lust) him. He's not just smart. He has this eloquent nature in him added to his dropdead gorgeous as fuck appearance he never wished for.

Not to mention the thing he is best at.

He's fucking good in bed.

"Finally," Chanyeol says softly as soon as he leaves the hall. The class has been dismissed.

He opens his phone quick and calls Baekhyun, because it has been their daily routine. Since they are going to different schools now, Chanyeol has to call him after his classes end so that they can go home together like what normal couples do.

Except for one thing. Chanyeol is not one of those normal boyfriends in many different levels. He is quite unconventional, that Baekhyun is the only one who understands him completely.

Something is a bit off today, because Baekhyun is not there in his usual spot in front of the university gates. He is supposed to be standing right there at the small corner, smiling brightly and waiting for Chanyeol to come out. He should be there by now.

But he's not there.

And he's also not picking up Chanyeol's calls.

Chanyeol stops for a while with his backpack slung loosely on his right shoulder, and stares at the open space as if he was analyzing it intently.

Baekhyun is not really there.

He waits for a few seconds like a rock.

But Baekhyun is still not really there.

Where the fuck is he?

"Did you lost something?" the school guard asks, approaching the tall guy who has been staring at a corner for an entire minute now.

Chanyeol faces the school guard, and opens his mouth to ask about Baekhyun, but he quickly averts his eyes, as though he suddenly hesitated.

"Oh, it's you," the man says when he recognizes Chanyeol's face. "The mighty Chanyeol."

The man looks around, looking for someone in particular.

"That pretty high school boy who's waiting for you everyday," the school guard says. "He's not here yet?"

"And how do you know that?"

"I watch people walk in and out of the front gates everyday. I already memorized all of your faces," the man says while laughing. "That boy, you're looking for him, aren't you?"

Behind Closed Doors: BOOK 2 - CHANBAEK FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now