[ 14 ] One Two Three

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Doesn't it bother you meddling between Jongin and Kyungsoo's life?

He shakes his head, shutting his eyes close as he tries to brush that memory off his mind. He just focuses his attention to the dishes he is washing right now, because any moment, his boyfriends are going to come home from school.

"Who is he to say that," Luhan mutters, "I am not a bother... Fuck him..."

The noise of the door being opened and Kyungsoo's nagging voice make his heart jump, and he quickly finishes the chore with a wide grin across his face. Wiping his hands, he discards his apron and heads to the living room.

He has waited all day for Jongin and Kyungsoo to come home, because he misses them so fucking much, and their voices combined make him very excited as fuck.

Since he's now in college and the other two are yet in their senior year in high school, their schedules don't always match. The three of them barely have time to be with each other aside from the evening when they all sleep at one bed, too tired to actually have sex. In the morning, Jongin and Kyungsoo go to school together at seven while he himself leaves at nine. Jongin wakes him up with the breakfast ready cooked by Kyungsoo, and he's more than thankful for that.

Luhan comes home earlier from school, so he has to wait for his two boyfriends. While waiting at home, his task is to wash the dishes or fold the laundry after he does his school works and stuff.

When Luhan arrives at the living room, he finds Jongin slouched on the couch while Kyungsoo has his arms crossed, standing a meter away. He approaches slowly but doesn't get too close.

"You know it's fucking important, why the hell would you not save it!?" Kyungsoo shouts, trying to compose himself but to no avail, "My essay... All of it... It's now gone!"

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to close the document without saving, I'm sorry..." Jongin says, "I know you are mad at me... So, I'm sorry, Kyungsoo..."

"Do not touch my computer ever again!"

"I know... I'm sorry... I'm not gonna do it again..."

"I have to do it all from the start," Kyungsoo mutters as he glares at Jongin, "and it's all because of you and your stupid game addiction!"

Luhan stands there at the side, quiet on his spot.

"But it's not game addiction, Kyungsoo. It's just a hobby!"

"A hobby where you ruin other's assignments because of your fucking carelessness," Kyungsoo says, "Yeah, right."

"But I already said I am sorry! What do you still want me to fucking do? Beg? Kneel down!?"

"Nothing," Kyungsoo says coldly, "Just fuck off and don't talk to me."

Kyungsoo closes the door of their bedroom with a loud thud, making both Luhan and Jongin flinch. Jongin buries his face into his hands as he lets out a frustrated groan.

Luhan sits on the couch beside Jongin, patting his arm gently.

"Jongin, it's all right," he whispers to his boyfriend, "Kyungsoo didn't mean what he said."

"What do you mean it's all right?" Jongin raises his voice, "He's fucking mad, okay? He won't talk to me like that."

"Just let him be. I'm sure he's gonna talk to you when he's done writing his essay."

Behind Closed Doors: BOOK 2 - CHANBAEK FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now