[ 22 ] Little Things

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Baekhyun's birthday passed by like a blur. He celebrated it with Chanyeol and his friends happily, like a normal teenager that he was--- was, because he has now gone through the minor age and is now basically a legal individual. He doesn't look like one though, nor acts like one. He still looks sixteen, as Jongin would say, and acts like a twelve-year old, as Kyungsoo would say.

Aside from a mind-blowing birthday sex the night before his special day, Chanyeol also gave him a present that was simple yet awesome. Baekhyun wasn't expecting anything from him anyway, so he was beyond glad when he received a cute polaroid camera from Chanyeol. It was small and handy, and he can bring it to anywhere. Chanyeol said he could use it to take pictures of everything he likes.

So that explained why he had so many polaroid pictures of Chanyeol's half face, Chanyeol's blurry hand, Chanyeol's one eye, Chanyeol's elfish ear, Chanyeol's broad back, and even Chanyeol's naked butt plastered on his wall.

He hasn't tried taking a picture of his dick yet. Maybe next time.

Baekhyun also got a pair of socks from Sehun on his birthday, while Jongin got him discount coupons from a Chicken store. Luhan gave him a make-up kit, which Baekhyun thinks he can't fully utilize anyway. He's not a girl and he doesn't even know how to apply a BB cream on his face nor an eyeliner on his eye. Plus, he doesn't need them anymore since he is really pretty without any make up on, as Chanyeol would lowkey-says in between the lines of them fucking.

That is why Youtube is there to help you out! Luhan told him, so Baekhyun, as an obedient child who is always ready and open to learn new things, started to watch videos like How to Do Make Up 101.

So he asked himself after clicking random thumbnails here and there, how the hell did he end up in some part of Youtube, watching, Sesame Street: Elmo's World: Penguins.

The college entrance examinations are coming up in a few days, so Chanyeol has been helping him study after his class. In the morning, Baekhyun would do his morning routine (waking up, taking a bath, eating breakfast, playing around the house) as he waits for Chanyeol's return. In the afternoon when Chanyeol comes back from the uni, they would study together until evening while Chanyeol tutors him and gives him mock-tests in preparation for the entrance exam.

Sometimes it leads to him bended over the table as Chanyeol fucks him while sometimes it leads to him falling asleep on Chanyeol's shoulder, so Chanyeol tucks him to bed as he watches him sleep.

Though Chanyeol doesn't show it, Baekhyun knows he is seriously worried about his future.

Baekhyun still has many things he doesn't know about the world that he is still trying to figure out ever since he moved in with Chanyeol. He's still naive, as Sehun would always say, but Baekhyun believes he is able to learn anything and everything under the sun with his eager heart and strong will.

And that includes every single thing about Chanyeol.

Baekhyun didn't even mind it before. He was just simply contented being with the person he loves under one roof, and seeing his face everytime he opens his eyes. He thought it was okay because he was happy that way. But he shortly realizes it's not enough with only that.

It doesn't end with just like that.

Baekhyun is reading an article on the internet that he just comes across with. He has just finished an episode of Elmo's World and he decides to look something more educational in the world wide web.

Chanyeol has blocked every possible pornsite by the way.

"Hm. Let's see..."

How to Know if You Really Love Someone.

Behind Closed Doors: BOOK 2 - CHANBAEK FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now