[ 17 ] New Home

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Baekhyun gives one last look around his apartment--- his apartment for several years he has shared with Sehun, where a lot of sad and happy memories took place which he will take with him in his heart.

Lifting the box filled with his personal belongings (old books, a stuffed bear, an old blue mug, letters and postcards, a piggybank and Sehun's baggy sweatshirt) Baekhyun can't help but feel torn apart in every step he makes towards the door. Thinking about moving out of this house is like leaving his comfort zone. It's like separating himself away from the warmth he has been used to.

He will miss his home.

He will miss Sehun.

He will miss Sehun's nagging voice telling him to clean his room. He will miss Sehun's presence waiting for him on the couch when he goes home at 1 in the morning. He will miss Sehun's comforting hugs and willing shoulder everytime he cries at night. He will miss Sehun's warm smiles in the morning as they eat breakfast together before going to school.

Sehun is a huge part of his daily life, and he will definitely miss every single thing about him now that he has to live with Chanyeol.

"What are you still doing there," Sehun, who is behind him carrying his other bags says, "You still have stuff left in your room. Move."

"Huh? Oh. I'm sorry," Baekhyun mutters, tearing his gaze away from the photos of Sehun and him pasted on the wall. He made it as a surprise gift for Sehun on his birthday.

Sehun pushes Baekhyun, urging him to move faster, so the latter quickens his steps and finally heads out of their apartment carrying the box.

"Tch. Why does he need to even push me," Baekhyun mutters as he rolls his eyes. He closes the door with his one foot, getting a glimpse of Sehun inside who is still packing the last of his things.

"At least he's helping me with my stuff," Baekhyun whispers with a smile.

Turning around, Baekhyun is about to step forward when he halts, bumping into a something on his way---

Into a someone rather.

He feels two hands overlapping under his hands holding the box, and all of the stuff he is carrying seem to weigh suddenly lighter.

Who is it?

Baekhyun looks up.

"I'll help you with this," a deep voice says, and Baekhyun almost falls back in surpise.

His heart skips a beat, too.

Baekhyun suddenly feels an unexpected jolt when his skin comes into contact with the person in front of him. Good thing he has gained his balance fast, trying to maintain his composure under the melting stare of those brown expressive eyes.

Quietly, Baekhyun transfers the box into Chanyeol's strong arms before hiding his own arms behind his back.

"So. Are these only your stuff?" Chanyeol asks.

Baekhyun shakes his head.

"I still have some more left inside. I'll just get them."

"All right. I'll take this box in the car first."

"Chanyeol-sunbae," Baekhyun calls as he smiles, "Thank you for coming."

"No problem."

Chanyeol takes his leave just as Sehun comes out of the door. He has a luggage in his right hand while a big bag in his left. Putting them both down the ground, he sighs and wipes off the sweat on his forehead.

Behind Closed Doors: BOOK 2 - CHANBAEK FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now