Chapter 28.

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The next day at work I am in a better mood than I've been in a long, long time. Not even the rude out of state people that came to stay at the hotel could put a damper on my happiness. Harry's words from yesterday ring through my mind over and over again.

"Yes, I suppose we are together now. Let's give this a shot, love."

The date yesterday was September 13th. I think Kelsey had said something about that being Niall's birthday but I don't really care about that much, honestly. Now I see it as the day Harry and I made it official.

I had not got to stay with him last night because of some stupid maintenance guy had to come this morning and fix the heating and air conditioning vents in my apartment. I was annoyed as hell about the whole situation but tonight I get to stay with Harry.

By the time eight o'clock rolls around, I can't keep the cheesy smile off my face. I drive towards Harry's house, stopping on the way to grab some food from Taco Bell. When I pull into the drive way, I see Bree's red car parked in my usual place again. I had all but forgotten about her.

I'm here, I text Harry.

I climb out of my junky car and a half minute later, Harry is opening the door. I jog a little to get there faster. He doesn't open his arms for a hug or even greet me with a "hey babe." He's just not that kind of guy.

"I hope you're in the mood for tacos." I say, holding up the bag. That brings a smile to his face and he nods as I follow him to the kitchen.

"Today has felt so long." Harry says, sitting down.

"It has," I agree, sitting down next to him.

"I've been daydreaming about your body all day and how much I want it."

Oh. I had been waiting impatiently all day to see him, to talk to him. My mind did wonder for a bit about what we would do, but was that all Harry wanted me for still? Was this relationship of ours going to be just like it had been for weeks? Me coming over just to mess around in bed without actually getting to know each other?

"Have anything planned?" I ask, keeping my inner rant to myself.

"I do, yeah." Harrys says with a smirk.

We finish eating our tacos and head up to his bedroom. Harry immediately strips down to nothing but his boxers and I set on the edge of his bed, keeping my clothes on. My curiosity is burning a hole inside me, so many questions passing through my mind.

"Why aren't you getting undressed?" Harry asks.

"Can we just talk for a few?" I ask back, although the sight of him half naked is making me tingle.

"Okay, about what?" He sits down next to me.

"I know you don't like to be touched and I know something happened in your past that caused you to be this way, maybe something unpleasant. Can't you tell me? Don't you trust me enough?"

"Fück." Harry rakes a hand through his hair. "I knew this would come up. I don't like talking about it. Only a few people actually know, Bree and that asshole, Shane who I beat the shit out of yesterday."

Why would Shane know? I'm more confused than ever and it irks me that Bree knows and I don't. Harry falls back onto his back on the bed with a loud sigh. This relationship is going just great, I retort sarcastically in my head.


"Please don't get mad at me over this. I'll tell you eventually, I just need time." Harry says and his voice is softer than before. When I look over at him, I find his eyes, wide and bright, focused on me. Its hard to be mad at him when he's looking at me that way and especially when he's wearing nothing but boxer briefs that show off his body.

"Come here," Harry says and I lean down to his level. He finds my mouth with his and moves his lips against mine gently. It's the sweetest kiss he's ever given me. His hand comes up to cup my jaw and the back of my head, his fingers caressing my skin lightly. He doesn't make any moves to go farther, just kissing me for the simplicity of it. "I'm trying here, Elena. Please, just give me some time."

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