Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: January 2016;
Lisa: I couldn't stop spinning.  There was so much to look at .The town square was in the center of the shops. The shops where filled with so many people . Most rushing from store to store in their own worlds. Mason kept a hand on my back as we walked .
Mason: where do you want to go first?
Lisa: looking up at him I smile. Depends what are you going to get me?
Mason: what ever you want.
Lisa: I grabbed Mason by the hand and rushed into a book store. Looking back at him I smiled. I'm a bit of a book worm. I like that you have a library but your books are so... mason: so what.... ? I responded with a smile.
Lisa: so serious. All educational. Wheres all the fantasy adventure maybe a little romance? Maybe that's why the stick up your ass is so hard. You don't know how to have fun. I mocked him.
Mason: I am plenty fun.
Lisa: I turned back to the shelves. Hm I smile at him . I pulled a thick book off the shelf and toss it into his arms.
Mason: game of thrones? Really?
Lisa: what it's not our Moby Dick but it's fun. It has all genres and when it's done we can watch the show. I laugh his face was a little sour looking.
Mason: okay .
Lisa: walking around I was looking at all the books. To the left of the romance sections was stand with children's books. I walk in front of it and stop. I put my hands on my stomach and look at the options. One book stood out among the rest.
The giving tree by Shel Silverstein
Lena read me this book every night for months when we where seven. I couldn't stop the laughter that left me. How I hated this book but I will read it to my child just to feel close to her again.
Mason: the giving tree.
Lisa: Lena's favorite . He took the book from my hands and walked to the register .  Handing the cashier both books he grabbed his wallet and payed. Carrying the bag we walked out.
Mason: lunch ?
Lisa: hungry already?
Mason: I'm always up for food.
Lisa: I laughed. What do you suggest?
Mason: mama's cafe.
Lisa: let's go fatty. I took his hand . He pulled me back
Mason: it's this way .  @lisaandlena #lisaandlena #lelinator #leli

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