t w o >> a g o n y

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I should've asked Karma for a car. Because Kara-fucking-suma's office was far from Nakamura-san's cafe. So I ran. I knocked on his house door. His wife, Irina aka Bitch, answered.
"Oh hello Shitty-ota." Bitch greeted. I rolled my eyes. "Give me the folder that holds info about the target." I commanded. Kara-fucking-suma suddenly appeared. "Finally Shiota. Here, remember not to show this to anyone." Karasuma said firmly. "Right right, okay boss." I said. He and Irina closed to door. I stood in front of their house, reading the papers that holded information about my assassination target, Okuda Manami. "Cause of assassination; murdered 5 families in one week without getting caught, extremely dangerous to actors? Damn Okuda." I whispered. "Hey Shiota."
I jumped. I quickly closed the folder and looked at the person behind me. "K-Karma?" I asked. Karma smirked. "The one and only! What's that folder for?" Karma asked, eyeing me suspiciously. I smiled. "Its for the next person I have to draw. Okuda Manami or something like that." I said. Karma nodded. "She's my girlfriend." Karma said. I froze. G-Girlfriend?
"Just joking. She'd my manager." Karma restated. I sighed. "Don't scare me in agony Karma!" I yelled, poking him rapidly. "Agony?" He asked. I sighed again. Idiot. "Agony means something that hurts you physically or mentally." I explained. Karma nodded. "Want to meet her? I was just on my way to work until you bumped into me." Karma laughed. My chance to kill Okuda Manami, finally here! "Sure, but first, how did you get my workplace address?" I asked. "Nakamura Rio." He replied. Great.
  "Oi Nagisa, here's my phone number by the way." Karma said, giving me his number as we got in the car. "Thanks." I thanked. He smirked. "Well then, let's go." Karma said, starting the engine. I hate to kill his manager, but it has to be done.
~ ~ ~
"Nagi~ Wake up~" Karma whispered. I must've fallen asleep. Great. Karma started poking me. Once he poked my dick, I jumped. "K-Karma you shit!" I screamed. Karma laughed. "Let's go!" Karma exclaimed, grabbing me and pretending touching my dick never happened. What the hell?
"Karma Akabane!!" Okuada Manami? Probably. "Okuda! Sorry I'm late, I bumped into this dude! He said he wanted to draw you so I brought him here so he can find out more about you!" Karma exclaimed, hugging me. "Y-Yeah!" I agreed. Okuda glared at me. "A stupid artist aye? Listen kid, I'll allow you to come, but don't interfere." Okuda said. Jeez, this information says she shy. Guess she's not shy around me. "Yeah, okay." I replied. She pulled Karma and I into the huge building. "So what are we doing today Okuda?" Karma asked. Okuda smiled. "Today, for the sake of the blueberry, we're just going to hang out today." Okuda said. I'm not a god damn blueberry.
"Meh, okay then. Let's go Nagisa-kun." Karma said, grabbing my hand. I nodded. I checked the paper. Has a huge crush on famous actor Akabane Karma. Doesn't everybody have a crush on that dude? Seriously, he's fucking sexy. I checked it off with a pencil, making sure that this information is right. Akabane Karma's manager. Well, that's right. Okuda Manami is a experienced assassin. Welp, I'm going to die killing her. "What are you looking at?" Okuda asked. I hid the info from her. "Stuff from work." I answered, still looking at my paper. Karma smirked. He took the folder out of my hand, just as he did with the drawing book. Shit.
"K-Karma!" I screamed, and took it back before Karma could open the fanfic. Okuda quickly noticed how jumpy I was with the folder. "Shiota, what are you hiding?" Okuda asked. How does she know my name? "H-How do you know my name?" I asked back. Okuda covered her mouth. Karma looked at Okuda. "That's true. I never mentioned his last name. Only first name." Karma agreed. Okuda looked at us. "Karma, lets just go to your house." Okuda suggested. Karma nodded. "Nagisa, you okay with going to my house?" He asked. "Yeah. You sure Okuda isn't really your girlfriend?" I asked back. Karma nodded. "I'm positive." Karma answered. I smiled. "Then let's go." I said. Karma grabbed me and quickly ran to his car.
"Excuse me blueberry, I'm sitting in the front." Okuda said. I nodded, but Karma stopped Okuda. "No no Okuda. Nagisa is my friend and he gets to sit in the front next to me! You can't do anything about this cutie sitting with me." Karma smirked while patting my head. "Fine Akabane." Okuda groaned. I sat right next to Karma. I felt Okuda groan more. This is going to be a long trip.
~ ~ ~
"We're here!" Karma exclaimed. He opened the doors and let Okuda and I inside. I had to make up an excuse to read more information on Okuda. "K-Karma!" I called to his attention. He looked back at me. "Yes, Nagi~?" He answered. "C-Can I go to the restroom?" I asked. Karma nodded. "You don't have to ask me Nagisa, even though you are cute. Now go." Karma smirked. I nodded rapidly and ran to the bathroom. I locked the door and sat on the floor. I opened the folder up to read more information.

Knows about Shiota Nagisa's assination on her.

I froze. She knew? Or is Kara-fucking-suma and Irina trying to trick me? I groaned. I slowly stood up to go flush the toilet to pretend I actually went. "You aren't getting away with this, Shiota Nagisa." I turned around quickly. Okuda Manami. "O-Okuda!" I smiled. How did she get in? "You forgot to read this part." Okuda said, pointing to a part in the paper. I read it over and over again. Kills assassins that want to assassinate her. Fuck. Karasuma, I'm going to kill you! "End of the line, Shiota." Okuda smirked. I thought she was shy! "Oops." Okuda smiled. I looked at my chest. A knife and blood. I fell to the ground. "K-Karma.." I whispered. "He won't save you. He never will. Hear that door knob rapidly moving? That's Karma, struggling to save your little assassin ass." Okuda smiled. I fell to the floor. My heart hurt. I couldn't breath. My vision was getting blurry.
  Suddenly, Karma bust through the door. "Nagisa!" Karma screamed. I then blacked out, full of agony and pain. I guess this was end, or was it?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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Hope u enjoyed baiaiaiaii :3

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