s e v e n ≫ n a g i s a

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    It's been one year since Nagisa Shiota died in a fire. Ritsu and I have been taking on jobs that were meant for Nagisa. A lot of girls were in the agency and Irina and Karasuma got married. Man, if Nagisa were here he would be happy for them.
"Akabane, Ritsu, you have a new person here to help with your next target. His name is Horibe Itona, he'll help you assassinate this girl." Karasuma announced, pointing to a girl with purple hair and red eyes. Looks familiar.. "Karma Akabane? The famous actor?" The so called Itona Horibe asked me. "Yes stupid." I replied coldly, or how Nagisa would respond. Itona shrugged. "Well, we should start heading to the beach. That's where we'll find this girl after all! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Ritsu exclaimed, running outside. I laughed. Itona glared as we followed Ritsu to the beach.
   "What's our target's name?" Horibe asked. I opened the folder. "Hayami Haruka. Called Haru-chan for short." I read from the folder. Ritsu grinned. "That's such a pretty name! Haruka! Oh my goshhhh!" Ritsu screamed in joy. I smiled as Horibe glared. "Let's just get this over with." He glared. "Karma." Ritsu whispered as Horibe walked ahead. I looked at Ritsu. "Doesn't his name sound familiar? Itona Horibe?" She asked. I stopped and thought. It did sound familiar, I just didn't remember where it was from. I nodded slowly. Ritsu smiled. "Well, let's go." She said, and grabbed my hand.
   "Slow pokes. Its already nighttime. Haru-chan lives here so we have to look out." Horibe glared. He called her by her first name? And how does he know, it doesn't say in the info, nor did he look at the folder. "I-Itona-kun?" A whispered asked. Ritsu took out her knife. I took out my gun and watched. "Haru-chan, don't worry, these are my friends." Horibe smirked. So they know each other..
  A girl, probably the same age as Ritsu, appeared. "I-Itona-kun! Get away!" She screamed, running off into the water. I ran up to Horibe. "Do you know her?" I asked suspiciously. Horibe nodded. "Yes. I killed her in a fire a year ago, and in order to keep her death a secret, she is working for me. She should be happy I saved her, but I'm here to kill her now." Horibe answered. A girl almost killed in a fire? It reminds me so much of Nagisa, I swear.
  "Karma, look at the water." Ritsu whispered. I looked at her weirdly. "Why?" I asked. Ritsu laughed. "In honor of our dear Nagisa Shiota, I told you to look at the water since his name means water's edge. Plus, the water looks so pretty." Ritsu explained. I nodded and looked at the water, thinking of Nagisa. "H-Help!" The girl, Hayami Haruka, screamed. Horibe was trying to shoot her. Jesus christ, Horibe is so dumb. "I'll handle this." Ritsu said. I nodded and put my gun away. Ritsu rushed in front of Hayami-san. "R-Ritsu!" She suddenly screamed. She knew Ritsu? Ritsu stepped back.
   "H-How do you know me?" Ritsu asked, clearly shocked. Hayami-san looked at Ritsu and smiled. Ritsu covered her mouth and started tearing up. Did they know each other or something? I ran up to Ritsu. "Ritsu! You okay?" I asked. Ritsu nodded and started crying. What the hell? I was so confused.
   "Agh!" Hayami-san screamed, falling to the beach floor. Ritsu looked at Horibe, shocked. "Don't kill her! P-Please!" Ritsu screamed. "Ritsu-san. Why?" Horibe asked. Ritsu turned to me. "Stab Itona-kun. Please! I beg you Karma, stab him! I'll explain this all to you later, just stab him!" Ritsu whispered through her tears. "All right. But you better tell me why." I said. Ritsu nodded. I took out my knife as Horibe went closer to the girl. To be honest, she was cute. Hayami Haruka had eyes just like Nagisa's, and hair the same length. "P-Please Itona-kun! You said you would never-" "Oh did I? Well, you're dying anyway." Horibe smirked. Hayami-san was crying. It reminded me of Nagisa, so I had to stab Horibe. I didn't want to see anyone who looked like Nagisa cry. So I stabbed Horibe.
   "Akabane? What are you doing?" Horibe asked, not looking at me. I smirked. "Die Horibe Itona. You don't deserve to kill this girl." I replied. Horibe fell to the ground, blood spewing out of his body. Disgusting.
   "Karma! Can I explain why I told you do that now?" Ritsu asked, looking up to me from where Hayami-san was. "Okay then. Tell me." I demanded. Ritsu smiled. "When I looked at Haru-chan, I noticed something you normally wouldn't notice in someone. Bloodlust. And not any bloodlust, Nagisa's bloodlust. And when Haru-chan smiled at me, I knew. It was Nagisa Shiota, the small precious person we knew. And I couldn't kill Nagisa Shiota. He's dear to me, and I love him so much. That's why I told you to stab Horibe, so he won't kill the cute Nagisa that we loved." Ritsu smiled, stroking Hayami-san's hair. Apparently she blacked out, and she's Nagisa Shiota?
    I walked up to Ritsu, who was holding Hayami-san. "Run to the water and get some water. I need to wash out to hair dhe to prove it to you." Ritsu said. I nodded and used a shell to get water. Ritsu took some and stroked Hayami-san's hair. It was light blue, and right then right there, I knew it was Nagisa. "Shit.. I can't believe it." I laughed. Ritsu laughed back. "I know right. He looks so precious. Here, hold him." Ritsu said, letting go of Nagisa. I sat down where she sat and started stroking his hair.
    "K-Karma?" Nagisa asked in his sleep. I hugged the boy and started crying. Ritsu hugged us and started crying as well. "He's so stupid, isn't he?" Ritsu asked. I nodded in agreement. "That stupid Nagisa.." I laughed. And with that, we all fell asleep.
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bai now~

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