f o u r ≫ m e m o r i e s

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So why do I love Karma Akabane? Many reasons. Plus, he's so damn rich. Right now I am in his car and we are driving to Nakamura-san's cafe. A few days after we got our targets, Yukimura Akari and Mr. Reaper. This reminds me when I first met Karma, and what he calls a serendipity or whatever. "Okay, we're here!" Karma exclaimed. We both got out of the car. As we entered Nakamura-san's cafe, no one was there, not even Nakamura-san.
"Nagisa!" Karma screamed, pushing my downwards. "What the?" I asked, looking at what caused Karma to push me. It was a yellow blob of weirdness. Was that Mr. Reaper? A girl, probably the same age as me, appeared in the doorway. "Akabane Karma. Shiota Nagisa. Greetings." The person said. She had brownish hair and dark yellowish orange eyes, which is plain ugly if you ask me. "I think that's Yukimura Akari." Karma whispered. I nodded. "Thats right Akabane, I'm Yukimura Akari. I would prefer you call me Kayano Kaede though." Yukimura smirked. I looked around the cafe. No weapons, no people, just us four.
  Karma took out a pocket knife and tossed it to me. "Kill Yukimura first. We can get Mr. Reaper after." Karma explained. "But what if she dodges the attack?" I asked. Karma sighed. "Toss the pocket knife to me and I'll kill her." Karma replied. I smiled. I stood up from where Karma pushed me. "Ready to fight, Shiota?" Yukimura asked. How the hell did she get here in the first place? And where is Nakamura-san?
I walked up to Yukimura. She looked at me, smirking. I let go of the pocket knife in my hand. I looked at Karma, who was smiling at me. I caught the pocket knife in my other hand and hid it behind my back. Yukimura kept smirking at me. My chance! As I got closer to Yukimura, she grabbed my cheeks. "E-Eh?" I screamed. I heard footsteps pounding the wooden ground. "Jealous, Akabane?" Yukimura asked, smirking at us both. Karma was running to us. Yukimura pulled my face closer to her's. "S-Stop!" I yelled. As Karma got closer, she kissed me.
Yukimura then let go of me. I looked at her, blushing. "Please don't kill me Shiota-sama, I love you." Yukimura confessed. I blushed furiously. What the fucking fuck? Karma grabbed my arm. "K-Karma!" I screamed. He pulled me to the ground and took my pocket knife. "Karma! What the hell are you doing?" I asked. Karma didn't bother to look back. And where did Mr. Reaper go? "Karma!" I yelled once more. Yukimura smiled. "It seems like Korosensei corrupted Akabane. I applaud." Yukimura exclaimed, clapping. Korosensei? Oh, that was Mr. Reaper. But corrupt Karma? What?
"Confused, Shiota?" Karma asked. Or, what? Karma? "Karma? W-What are you saying?" I asked. Karma smirked. "I'm not Akabane Karma. I'm Mr. Reaper, in Akabane Karma's body." 'Karma' said. I shook my head in disbelief. "No! Let Karma go!" I screamed, trying to get Karma's pocket knife. "Isn't this just like your past, Shiota? The corrupting? Didn't it happen to your best fr-" "Shut the fuck up!" I screamed. How did she know? Yukimura smirked at my sudden yell. "What was his name? Hmm.. oh, Sugino Tomohito, correct?" Yukimura asked. I was pissed. I hate Yukimura, and thats a fact.
  "Give me Karma!" I yelled. Yukimura laughed. "Akabane Karma? The famous actor? No, I won't give him to you, Shiota. You have to get him the hard way."

"By stabbing him."

I froze. Stab.. Karma? No, I couldn't. "N-No.." I whispered. Mr. Reaper or Karma smiled. "I may be in Akabane Karma's body, but he can't feel anything. He can't hear anything. He can't see anything. He can't do anything unless you stab me, Shiota Nagisa." Mr. Reaper smiled. "I can't..." I whispered. Stabbing Karma's body, that's a sin! He's too sexy!
"You'll never get Akabane Karma back then." Yukimura smiled. Mr. Reaper nodded along. Fuck. "Just like those painful memories, right, Shiota Nagisa?" Yukimura asked. "M-Memories?.." I asked. Yukimura smirked. "Yes, memories. Something remembered from the past." Yukimura explained. I nodded. Why? Because it was just like when Sugino Tomohito got corrupted.

"S-Sugino-kun!" I screamed while a stranger entered Sugino-kun's house. I was having a sleep over with one of my best friends, Sugino Tomohito. "Nagisa-kun! You okay?" Sugino-kun whispered. I nodded. The stranger suddenly entered our room. She had long blonde hair and big ass breasts. "Sugino Tomohito-kun? Shiota Nagisa-kun?~" She yelled in a sing songy voice.
  "Nagisa, if the bitch finds us, please run away! You deserve to live longer! And find Akabane Karma, he can help you!" Sugino-kun exclaimed. I shook my head. "No! Sugino-kun, we need-"
   "Ah, Sugino Tomohito, I finally found you." The blonde person grabbed Sugino-kun. "Run Nagisa!" He whispered. And I ran, knowing he was going to become corrupt.

  Mr. Reaper smiled as I recalled the memory. He threw me the pocket knife. "W-What?" I asked. Mr. Reaper smirked. "Stab me. I promise Akabane Karma won't get harmed." Mr. Reaper said, smiling proudly. I didn't know what to do, stab my best friend, or let him die of corruption. Ah, I know exactly what to do.
  "Akabane Karma won't get harmed? I don't think so." I whispered, smiling. Yukimura and Mr. Reaper looked at me, smirking. "By the way Shiota, Nakamura Rio is dead." My shoulders stiffened. Dead? Nakamura Rio? "H-How.. H-How dare you!" I screamed, running up to Mr. Reaper and stabbing him. Mr. Reaper stood there, smiling. "We'll meet again, Shiota Nagisa." Mr. Reaper smirked. As he faded out of Karma's body, he fell flat on the floor. "Nakamura Rio's death must've left a mark on you, Shiota-sama." Yukimura said. There we go with the '-sama'.
  "I'll kill you!" I screamed. Yukimura smirked. "With that knife? As if!" Yukimura exclaimed. I charged at her with the knife. She kicked me in my weak spot, my stomach. "Shit!" I cursed, falling to the ground. "Oh, was that your weak spot? Sorry!" Yukimura exclaimed. I tried to stand up, but fell back down. "K-Karma.." I whispered. I looked at where the redhead lay, but he wasn't there. What?
  "Stay back Nagisa. I'll teach this bitch a lesson." Karma smiled. I turned to Yukimura's direction and smiled at Karma. I then blacked out on the floor, coughing out blood.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
m e m o r i e s c h a p t e r   f o u r
Woop~ finally done!~
Enjoys baiii :3

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