s i x ≫ l o v e

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I started walking towards the boy. "K-Karma?" I asked. The redhead turned around. "N-Nagisa!" He screamed, hugging me. "I thought you were dead, you idiot." He whispered. Karma wasn't dead?.. "Karma.. I though-" "You thought I died? There are many ways to cheat death my little Nagisa~" Karma finished. Fuck. My target isn't dead. How is that possible? "Anyway, let's go back to my house." Karma said, pulling my arm. I slowly let my arm wiggle free from his grip. "Nagisa?" He asked. I looked at Karma, smiling. "I'm sorry.. I can't.." I apologized. Karma looked at me worriedly. "What do you mean you can't? Nagisa?" He asked. I walked away, heading back to Karasuma's. I have to tell him.
"Nagisa!" Fuck. Karma was chasing me as I headed to Karasuma's office. What a great way to end the day. "Karasuma!" I yelled, a few feet away from his office. Irina opened the door to the sudden yell. I jumped inside, closing the door. "Shiota? And was that Akabane chasing you?" Irina asked. I nodded. "He isn't dead!" I exclaimed. Karasuma walked up to me. "Do the job you chose now. We can worry about Akabane later, but you have to do this job." Karasuma said, handing me the job folder. I nodded. I walked outside, only to see Karma.
"Got the next target?" He asked. I looked at Karma. "Who are you?" I asked, pretending to not know who Karma was. "N-Nagisa? You okay? I'm Karma, your best friend." Karma replied. I looked at him confused. "Sorry, I don't know you." I said, walking away. Karma grabbed my arm. "Nagisa!" He yelled. I ignored him. I kept walking to the location I had to go to.
What was my job? I had to free innocent prisoners from an abandoned space station. It was in red print, meaning it was extremely dangerous. I didn't care, I just kept walking towards the space station. There were soldiers outside, as I expected. I shot them and headed inside quietly. "Intruder! Intruder!" Someone over the speakers said. Crap, they got me. I ran towards the room the prisoners are in. Or, I assumed they were in that room. I opened the door and saw about six people. One of them had a baby.
"A-Are you here to kill us?" Someone asked. I shook my head. "I'm here to rescue you. Now listen, I need you all to run outside if you hear a bomb go off. Run to the street and if you see people, please go to them and ask for help. Got it?" I explained. They all nodded. "Thank you sir." The person with the baby thanked. I nodded and walked outside. There were guards. Here we go.
~ ~ ~
I rushed to Karasuma's office after Nagisa ran off. "Akabane?" Karasuma answered the door. "W-Where's Nagisa heading?" I asked. Karasuma sighed. The purple haired cutie ran to Karasuma. "Akabane Karma! Are you here for Nagisa?" She asked. I nodded. The purple haired girl hugged me. "T-Thank you for teaching Nagisa how to love.. he isn't as heartless as before.. thank you so much!" She exclaimed. Nagisa was.. heartless?
"What do you mean? And what's your name? And what's your relation to Nagisa?" I asked, thinking she was Nagisa's girlfriend. "Ahaha, my relation to Nagisa is that he's my assassination partner! I'm Ritsu, and what I meant is that before Nagisa met you, he was very mean. He never talked to anyone, he never really cared for anyone. But when you were his assassination target, he couldn't kill you, and I knew you were important to Nagisa. You changed him for the best, but he's in danger." Ritsu explained. "What do you mean?" I asked. Ritsu sighed. "Nagisa took a dangerous job. We need to help him, before his heartless self comes back and he kills himself. He's very dear to me, and we need to help him!" Ritsu exclaimed.
"Let's go." I said. Ritsu smiled. "Thank you Akabane! Let's go save Nagisa!" Ritsu said happily. I laughed and followed her to where Nagisa had his job.
"Help!" Someone screamed on the street. Ritsu and I ran to the person. There were six people. "Mam, what's the problem?" Ritsu asked them. The person frowned. "Someone saved us from the abandoned space station over there. He told us to run to the street and ask someone to help and bring back up! Please help him, he's in danger!" The person explained. "What color was his hair?" I asked. "Blue, his hair was blue." Another person answered. I froze. Nagisa. "Ritsu, we have to go!" I yelled. Ritsu nodded and we both ran to the station. "Intruder! Shoot him down!" The speakers yelled from inside.
"Agh!" A small miniature scream yelled. "It's Nagisa! We have to hurry!" I shouted. Ritsu took out her gun and we rushed in. "Nagisa!" Ritsu and I screamed. A baby was still in the station, crying. "Fuck, we gotta rescue to baby." I cursed. Ritsu nodded. "We gotta hurry, since Nagisa could be in danger." Ritsu said. I nodded. We ran towards the baby until we saw someone getting launched to a wall. "Itona! I swear.." Nagisa screamed. "Nagisa!" Ritsu screamed. Nagisa looked towards us and smiled. Another explosion. Nagisa fell to the floor again, holding the baby. "D-Don't hurt the baby!" Nagisa yelled towards whoever was attacking him. The person appeared from the smoke. He had white hair and yellowish eyes.
"No. I'll kill you both." He smirked. Nagisa looked at me. He threw the baby and Ritsu caught him. "You rescue Nagisa. I'll bring the baby outside!" Ritsu said. I nodded and started running towards Nagisa. "K-Karma! Stop!" Nagisa screamed. The person who was attacking Nagisa set the hall on fire. "Nagisa!" I screamed. Nagisa smiled. "Go to Ritsu. Save yourself." Nagisa whispered. The fire got higher. "Nagisa!" I screamed, trying to grab Nagisa. He moved.
"Don't. I'll die here anyway." Nagisa smiled. "Stop Nagisa! I'll rescue you!" I shouted. Nagisa coughed. "I love you, Karma." Nagisa whispered. Ritsu pulled me back. "Let him be." Ritsu cried. I looked towards the fire. Water starting running down my cheeks. Crying?.. The prankster Akabane Karma, crying? "I didn't get to answer.." I managed to choke out. Ritsu cried. "Nagisa!!" She yelled. Karasuma and Irina managed to reach us.
"Where's Shiota?" Irina asked. Ritsu shook her head. Irina gasped and Karasuma hugged her. "I love you too, Nagisa Shiota.." I whispered, crying.
Our story can't be over.. It can't.. "I'm glad you both taught each other how to love. Nagisa's heart filled with love for you, and your heart filled with Nagisa's love for you. Its amazing what love can do." Ritsu said, smiling. I smiled back. I'm glad that I changed the ever so heartless Shiota Nagisa. "Thank you.." Ritsu said, hugging me. I hugged back. "I know you love Nagisa, and I hope he stays in your heart, forever." Ritsu smiled. I smirked. He will always remain in my heart no matter what.
But that can't be the end of our story..
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
e m o t i o n c h a p t e r s i x
Woop~ its not the end yet -v-
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Okk bai~~

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