t e n ≫ d e m i s e

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   "I'm sure he'll be fine." Ritsu, Nagisa's assassination partner, assured. I nodded and put my hand on my face. How dumb was I to not realize that I still love him and that I could come back? But seven years ago he didn't want me near him, but now he does? This doesn't make any sense.
     "You know, ever since Nagisa saw you again, he became more nicer. What Nagisa did today, he wouldn't normally do that. He would let you and Okuda Manami-san get shot by the bullet. Thats just proof that Nagisa changes around you, in a good way." Ritsu said, smiling. I smiled back, knowing that I changed the small bluenette in a good way.
   Suddenly, a doctor came out of Nagisa's room. "How is he?" I asked, panicking. The doctor laughed. "Shiota Nagisa is fine. He's awake, and he requested to see you both, so you can both go in." The doctor said. I nodded and rushed inside the room with Ritsu behind me.

  "Nagisa!" Ritsu exclaimed. Nagisa smiled at us. Damn, he's so cute.

"Sorry for worrying you." Nagisa whispered to me, attempting to grab my hand. I put my hand closer to Nagisa. He grabbed it. His hand felt so small and fragile, it felt like I was holding something that needed extreme care. And I was.

"Ne, Nagisa, its okay. I also apologize for not coming to you in the last seven years." I said back. Nagisa smiled and gripped my hand tighter.

"Its okay Karma-kun. I'm sorry too.. I love you a lot, okay? Don't leave me Karma-kunnnnn~~~" Nagisa begged. Ritsu laughed. I nodded and patted the bluenette's head. He is so cute! He still has his pigtails and long hair from the last time I met him.

"I love you too, idiot." I smirked. Nagisa smiled and tossed me a knife.

"Assassinate them for me. I trust you and Ritsu." Nagisa whispered. "But what about you? Will you be okay?" I asked. Nagisa nodded rapidly. "I'll be fine, but the targets need to be killed by tomorrow, so please hurry up Karma-kun." Nagisa said. I nodded. Ritsu smiled and pulled my outside of Nagisa's room.

"Okay, so the targets are the people who attacked Nagisa. Their names are Hayami Rinka and Chiba Ryūnosuke." Ritsu explained. I nodded and put the knife in my pocket slowly. We both ran outside of the hospital to go back to the meet up place.

Right, I forgot to explain myself. Akabane Karma, actor and movie star. About seven years ago, Nagisa left me to be with my partner in working, Okuda Manami-chan. It was surprisingly fun working with Minami-chan, but my heart belongs to Nagisa. I immediately rejected Manami-chan's feelings for me, knowing that Nagisa was going to come back.

Though it was at the wrong time, I met him again with his partner in assassination, Ritsu.

"I see them." I whispered to Ritsu. Ritsu nodded. "We have to assassinate them as soon as possible so we can get back to Nagisa." Ritsu explained. I nodded.

Thinking they were my fans, I went up to them. "H-Hey." I greeted. The orange haired girl freaked out and held the weird boy by his arm. "AHHH! Is that the Karma Akabane saying hi to me? OMG RYUNOSUKE-KUN!!!!" She screamed. Jeez, she's just like the other girls.

"Be careful, Rinka-chan. You never know if he was like that Shiota Nagisa dude." The boy whispered.

"Come on Ryūnosuke-kun, he's the Karma Akabane!" The girl, I think Rinka, begged. The dude groaned.

"A-Akabane-sama, can I have your autograph!" Hayami begged. I fake smiled and nodded. She took out a piece of paper. While signing it, I saw Ritsu sneak up to Hayami and Chiba.

"Hah!" Ritsu exclaimed, attempting to stab Chiba. I looked at Ritsu, who got stabbed in return.

"The fuck?.." I whispered. I ran up to Ritsu, who fell to the ground.

"K-Karma-kun.." She whispered. I held Ritsu, hoping she wasn't dead nor would be dead.

"Don't tell Nagisa.. And finish them off yourself.." She choked out. I shook my head. Nagisa's dear friend, dying? Not on my watch.

"Ritsu.. Stay put. I'll make sure you survive, and I will make sure Nagisa knows you're alive." I whispered. Ritsu nodded. I placed her back on the ground and turned to Hayami and Chiba.

"So, Akabane does want to kill me." Hayami smirked. "I'm amused. Its for that Shiota Nagisa you love, huh?" She asked. I nodded. "You won't beat me. I'll kill you before you get the chance to come close to me." I smirked back.

"We'll see about that, Akabane."

Gunshots. From every direction. Trying my best to avoid them, I quickly ran to Chiba and Hayami, only getting hit on the arm twice. I managed to pull out my knife. I jumped onto Hayami and pinned her down.

"Great strategy Akabane. But you do know there us two of us, right?" Hayami smirked. Shit. I felt Chiba sit on my back. "Damn you.." I cursed. Hayami laughed.

"You think you can kill a pair like us? We were hired to kill the assassins, Ritsu and Shiota Nagisa. Apparently, you got in between it, and now I will kill you." Hayami smiled.

I heard a knife get closer to my back.



"Karma!" A familiar small voice screamed.

I tried to look behind to see who it was.


"Came to join the party, Shiota?" Hayami asked. Nagisa laughed. "Nah, I came to kill you." He responded. I heard a small cut on Chiba.

"AGH!" Chiba screamed. I looked at Nagisa, who got Chiba off my back. "How does it feel, huh Chiba? To die?.. How?" Nagisa chuckled.

Jesus, it was like he was yandere or something. It was cute though, a small little bluenette, a murderer. You wouldn't expect someone like him to be an assassin.

"Do you like the taste of blood, Chiba? How do you like it?.." Nagisa put his knife into Chiba's mouth. I smiled. Damn, this little savage is amazing.

"Stab her." Nagisa whispered. I looked behind me. Hayami was looking at Chiba, who was getting torchered by Nagisa. Perfect time to stab. I took my knife out of my pocket and smirked. I ran up to Hayami.

"Let go of Ryūnosuke-kun you monster!" Hayami yelled at me. I smirked.

"Monster? My boyfriend is not a monster." I smiled. Hayami looked at me in fear. "Bastards, this is why I was hired to kill you guys.." Hayami whispered, attempting to grab my knife.

"You can't have it, haha!" I laughed, waving the knife so Hayami wouldn't reach it. "Damn you.." She cursed. Hayami looked back at Chiba and Nagisa.

"You jerks.. You killed him!" Hayami yelled. I could feel Nagisa's breath on my ear. "I want you after this is over." He whispered.

I smirked. I took my knife and threw it at Hayami.

"Akabane! W-Why?" Hayami asked, barely dodging the knife.

"Sorry, I just really want to spend time with the monster dude over there." I said, pointing to Nagisa, who was behind Hayami.

"And another person dead.." Nagisa whispered as he stabbed Hayami. "M-Monster.." She whispered as she died.

I ran up to Nagisa and smirked. He tipped toed to my ear. "Fuck me." He whispered. I laughed at his sudden action.

"Nagisa, do you even know what you said?" I asked, laughing. Nagisa grabbed my shoulders. "Do you want me, too?" He asked.


Nagisa smiled. "By the way, where's Ritsu?" Nagisa asked. I froze. Damn it. "Karma? Where's Ritsu?.." Nagisa asked once more, his voice getting shaky. I gulped.

"Nagisa, I love you but,"

"Ritsu is dead."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
D e m i s e C h a p t e r   T e n

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