t h r e e ≫ f r i e n d s ?

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     "Ugh." I groaned, slowly standing up from where I was. A red couch? I looked around the room I was in. Karma's house. I was in Karma's house. "Oh, hey Nagisa." Karma greeted from his kitchen. He started walking towards me as I slowly tried to stand up. "What happened?" I asked Karma. He frowned. "Do you not remember, Nagisa-kun?" Karma asked back. The memories started flooding back. Okuda stabbed me in the chest, Karma rushing in the bathroom, and me blacking out.
  "W-Where's Okuda?" I suddenly asked. Karma smirked. "I killed her." Karma answered proudly. I looked at him. Killed Okuda? "B-But, she was your manager!" I reasoned. Karma took out a folder. He opened it and took out a piece of paper. "Okuda Manami knows about Shiota Nagisa's assassination." Karma read. I froze. He had the folder? "I can explain!" I suddenly jumped. Karma laughed. "No need, You're an assassin, aren't you?" Karma asked. I slowly nodded. I can't believe he found out.
  "Amazing. I love people like that. But you  need to be more careful, you almost died there." Karma smiled. I nodded. "It was an accident.." I said, unsure of why Okuda stabbed me. "Accident my ass. If she was your target, did you only agree to come with me to kill her?" Karma asked. I grinned. "Yes idiot. Do you have my phone? I can't find it." I asked back. He snickered. "Your phone, my dear Nagi~, is dead." Karma answered. Great. "Can I use your phone?" I asked again. Karma sighed. He threw me his phone. I started calling Kara-fucking-suma.
  "Great job killing Okuda Manami." Kara-fucking-suma said through the phone. I groaned. "Idiot, you knew I was going to die! Is that why you gave me the target?" I asked. Karasuma laughed. "No, you are one of our most experienced assassins. Now come back to get your next target." Karasuma replied. I groaned. "Can't the target wait?" I asked. Karasuma sighed. "No. This one is very dangerous. I don't care if your a ghost or dead, come now." He demanded. I ended the call and looked at Karma, who was listening to the whole conversation. "I have to go." I said, trying to walk towards the front door. Karma walked in front of me. "Can I come?" He asked. I shook my head. "No. Its dangerous." I said. Karma stopped me again. "Please~ I have a car." Karma smiled. I groaned. He has a car and he's fucking sexy. Yeah he can come.
~ ~ ~
  I knocked on the door to Karasuma's office with Karma behind me. Karasuma quickly answered the door and pulled us inside. "What the fuck Karasuma?" I asked, coughing and trying to stand up. Karma helped me up, since he knew I couldn't stand. "Thanks." I thanked. Karma smirked. "First of all, who is that strawberry?" Karasuma asked. Karma blushed. "He's my friend that helped me assassinate Okuda Manami." I reasoned. Could I even consider Karma a friend after all of that?
  "Shiota, your next target is very dangerous so I'll have Akabane over there help you." Karasuma explained. I nodded. He probably knew Karma was a famous actor, which is probably why he knew his name.
  "Cool. Now tell me the god damn target." I commanded. Karasuma nodded. He gave both me and Karma folders. "Your targets are Yukimura Akari, known as Kayano Kaede, and Mr. Reaper, known as Korosensei. They are both serial killers and kill people in many different ways." Karasuma explained. I groaned. "Fucking bitch, going to give me a job that will get me killed alone with Karma? Nope. Not accepting it." I shook my head at Karasuma. "If you don't take it, I'll kill your father and mother."
  I froze. Karma laughed. "Pretty harsh for the poor kid. How about give him no punishment?" Karma asked. Karasuma sighed. "Akabane, want me to kill your boyfriend?" Karasuma asked. Before Karma could answer, I said, "I'll take the damn job. Just raise the fucking pay." I said. Karasuma nodded. "Good luck Shiota, Akabane." Karasuma said. He pushed us out the door.
  "Well, let's go read about our targets then." Karma smiled. I nodded. I opened the folder. "Hey Karma?" I asked. He looked at me. "Yeah?" He answered back. "C-Can we be friends?" I asked. "Friends? As in a person that has mutual affection towards someone else?." Karma asked. I nodded. Karma did one of his sexy- I MEAN, smirks. "Yes. Best friends. Right, Nagi~?" Karma replied. I smiled. "Yes. Best friends." And with that, we continued reading info about the target.
And I love him.
Yep, we may have just met, but I love Karma Akabane.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Woop~ hope u enjoyed

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