e i g h t ≫ Forgotten Love

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    I woke up in a strange room. A boring ceiling, smells like bitches, I was in Karasuma's office. I slowly stood up, only to find the one and only Akabane Karma. "Oh, you're awake Haru-chan. Or should I say, Shiota Nagisa?" Karma smirked at me. He probably figured out, woo. "K-Karma?" I asked. He smiled and came closer to me. "So, you didn't die?" He asked back. I nodded. He backed away from me and looked away. "You're alive. Cool." Karma said. I looked at him, glaring.
"I found Okuda Manami." I said quietly. I looked at Karma, whose face lit up. "Really? Where?" He asked excitedly. "You want to see her, don't you?" I asked in hurt. Karma smirked. "Nah, what makes you want to say that Nagisa-chan?" Karma asked, smiling. I rolled my eyes. "You can't hide that you love her, Karma." I glared. Karma looked at me confusedly. "When did I say that?" He asked. I smirked.

"What are you doing to Nagisa?" Karma asked, clearly mad. "I'm killing him. He wants to kill me Akabane. Can't you see?" Okuda replied rudely. Karma groaned. "Look, I don't want to do this, but it has to be done." Karma said groggily. "What are you going to do?" Okuda asked sweetly. "I'm sorry, I love you." Karma responded, and killed Okuda.

"You don't remember that, do you?" I asked redhead. He shook his head. "I don't love her anymore, Nagisa!" He yelled. I smirked. "You love her. Its final." I glared. Karma, clearly mad, lunged toward me. "Na-gi-sa, listen! I love yo-" "No." I stopped his sentence. Karma looked at me with hate. He suddenly punched me, making me fly backwards. "I don't love Okuda!" He yelled once more. I smirked. "You do. I met you on complete purpose. It wasn't an accident. It was for my good friend, Okuda Manami." I smiled. Karma had had enough. He suddenly was going to punch me, until Ritsu came from behind and held him back.
    "Karma! Stop! Please!" Ritsu yelled desperately. Karma kept struggling out of Ritsu's arms. "Nagisa! I don't love that Okuda Manami! Why don't you understand?" Karma screamed. I smirked. A purple haired girl suddenly entered the room.
  "Okuda-san." I said. Okuda-san smiled. "Shiota-kun! I haven't seen you in ten years!" She exclaimed. Karma looked at me confused. "The Okuda-san that was my target long ago was a fake, Karma. And I met you only to get Okuda-san what she wanted." I said. Karma shook free from Ritsu's arms. "Nagisa! I love you so fucking much, why can't you accept that?" Karma asked in pain. I smiled. "No. I'm not going to love you, nor can I. I'm so sorry." I said. Karma looked at me in pain and hurt. "Stop hiding it from the rest of the world! I love you Nagisa Shiota! I'm waiting for the day you love me back, you damn idiot!" Karma shouted in agony.
"I'll take Karma-kun off your shoulders Shiota-kun. Thank you for all your help!" Okuda-san exclaimed. I smiled. "Its no problem Okuda-san." I said back. Karma looked at me. "Why? Why did you do this?" Karma whispered. I smiled.

"Because I love you."

Karma looked at me in shock. Okuda-san took him outside. Ritsu looked at me. "You really love him, huh?" Ritsu asked. I nodded. "I can't let him go.. But I have to. As an assassin, I can't have any love interest because it can get between me and my job." I explained. Ritsu hugged me. "Karma loves you, and he didn't let that go for a year. You rejecting his feelings for you as well as your own must of hurt him in a way. And you did this all on purpose without realizing until now." Ritsu smiled. Tears fell from my face. Ritsu let go and smiled. "It hurts, doesn't it?" Ritsu asked. I nodded slowly, wiping the warm tears.
"Yes. It hurts so much.. but I can't hold on to him." I said. Ritsu nodded slowly. "Don't worry Nagisa-kun, I'll help you get over Akabane." Ritsu comforted. I nodded and stood up from where I was sitting. Karasuma was looking at me. "Assassins don't fall in love Shiota. You did the right thing." Karasuma said. I nodded. "You fell in love Karasuma-kun! With Irina-san!" Ritsu yelled. Karasuma face palmed. "Whatever. Nagisa did the right thing, and thats all that counts." Karasuma said. I nodded and walked out of Karasuma's office. Ritsu followed. I swear, I will get over Akabane Karma, if its the last thing I do.

~ ~ ~
7 Years Later

"Nagisa!~ We have a new job!" My partner, Ritsu screamed. I ran up to her. "What's the god damn job?" I asked coldly. Ritsu smiled. "I missed when you had that soft heart years ago. A-Anyway, the job is to assassinate Hayami Rinka-san and Chiba Ryūnosuke." Ritsu replied. I nodded and slammed the table. "Lets get going." I said. Ritsu nodded rapidly and followed me out of Karasuma's office.
     "Look! Akabane Karma is so hot!" Ritsu exclaimed, looking at the redhead's poster for a new movie. I rolled my eyes. "Fucking Ritsu, we have to focus damn it." I glared. She smiled. "Awe come on Nagisa, why can't we have a little fun?" She asked. I rolled my eyes. "I said never mention that bitch ever again. Am I clear fucker?" I asked. Ritsu nodded. "Got it." She smirked. Jesus Christ, this girl has issues.
   "Nagisa!~ Look! A fan meeting for Akabane Karma and Okuda Manami!" EEEEEEEEK!" Ritsu squealed. "Bitch, what did I tell you?" I yelled at Ritsu. "You said to go away. Rude much, Shiota-kun." I looked behind me, and saw Okuda Manami. I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here?" I asked coldly. Okuda-san smiled. "You still your old selfish self aye Shiota-kun? I'm here for my fan meet up of course! Karma-kun should be here too!" Okuda exclaimed. Ritsu looked at me as I glared at Okuda-san. "Whatever. Ritsu, let's continue." I said. Ritsu nodded. Okuda-san smiled. "Wait Shiota-kun, Karma-kun is here!" Okuda-san screamed from behind. Ritsu looked at me for any reaction. I was close to tears, but I knew I couldn't cry in front of Ritsu. She'll tell Okuda-san.
"Manami-chan. You're early." A deep sounding voice said from behind. I continued walking. Ritsu walked with me. Okuda-san suddenly grabbed my arm. "Let the fuck go." I said, facing her. Karma eyed me. "Shiota-kun! I had my fan meet up here just to see you!" Okuda-san said. I rolled my eyes. Ritsu pulled our arms apart. "If Nagisa-kun doesn't want to be here, he won't. If you excuse me, we'll get going." Ritsu glared. Okuda-san nodded.
"Shiota-kun." Karma glared. Okuda-san ran back to Karma. "Let them be!" She said. Karma shook his head. "Shiota-kun. Don't speak that way to my fiancée."
I froze. Ritsu looked at me worriedly. "Nagisa. Let's go." Ritsu whispered. I nodded. Ritsu grabbed my hand and walked the other direction. "Ritsu.. I can't even.. Fiancée?" I whispered to Ritsu. She hugged me slightly. "Nagisa.." She whispered. I shook my head as tears fell down my face.

Our forgotten love stays forgotten.
And thats the way its always been.

"Shiota-kun!" Okuda-san screamed from behind us. Ritsu turned around and stopped Okuda-san. "Don't you dare go near Nagisa." Ritsu glared. Karma followed Okuda-san, looking at us. "Look, let me talk to Shiota." Karma pleaded. I wiped my tears and turned around. "You have no right to talk to me Akabane. You have no right to see me. You have no right to be in my life. So just leave me alone for god's fucking sake. Jesus fucking christ, die in a hole for all I care. I don't want to talk to you, nor do you have the right to. So leave me the fuck alone." I said coldly. Ritsu looked at me. Karma smirked. "Fine then Shiota. I never loved you anyway." Karma said, clearly hurt.
"That stupid Akabane.. don't let him get to you." Ritsu said. I nodded, but cried in response.

Who knew that love hurt so damn much?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Forgotten Love C h a p t e r E i g h t

its not over yet btw woop~
k bai

always ~ karma x nagisaWhere stories live. Discover now