A mess

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Kari's POV ~

I woke up and saw my husband sleeping, i was about to go kiss him when I remembered about last night. Thinking about that makes me upset.

I got up and went to make breakfast.

I started cooking when I had small hands around my waist. I turned around and hugged my adorable little girl.

"Hi mommy, watcha making us?" She asked

"Oh just some breakfast to munch on, get the juice please and plates." I said

She went to get what i asked for. "Oh! And get some bread too! Thanks sweety!" She huffed and did what I said.

(If i didn't mention it yet! But Stacy, the daughter, is 9 years old)

I heard big steps coming from upstairs. Stacy yelled and ran to her dad. Jumping up to be held by him.

I had big hands around my waist in seconds. He kissed my cheek and said good morning to me.

I turned around and kissed him properly on his lips.

I turned around again and finished my eggs and ham.

David got the pan while I cut the bread. I got out the mayo and spread some on the bread then started to stuff the bread, filling the loaf with eggs and ham.

Every now and them some eggs and ham will fall onto the cutting board and i would gladly eat that up.

I finished all 3 sandwiches and put them on the plates.

Everyone got their plate and started to eat. Stacy got the cups and poured the juice in, and gave them to me, my husband, and herself.

Since today is Thursday...she needs to head to school, so I can hit the bank later...

Time skip after an hour or so ~

As I left the bank, i huffed out in frustration...how are we gonna pay off the depth when we only 5 million?

I got in the car as i drove home

I was greeted with a hug from my husband, most likely waiting for my response...

I can see his eyes....his eyes telling me if there is hope.

"We don't have enough, we have about 5 million or so. We need more...what are we gonna do?" I asked him.

"Well...we need to raise more money....we need to work extra hard this month...wait....not even a full month...we have about 3 weeks or less!" He panicked.

"Oh my! We can't come up with that much money in such a few weeks! What do we do!!" I yelled out

"I don't know myself....we can't ask for help...not when we have no one." He said white looking at me all sad. But he was right..I don't even know his family, we may have been together for years but he only has only told me a few things about his family. As for me well i ran away with him to stay by his side. My parents never approved of our relationship but now I need them, but I don't think they want to do anything with me, they're probably even dead from how long i was gone for.

I signed out "ya, now we have to do this our selves...but how....my friends won't give me 1 million....Maybe $100 but sure not $1000..."

"Ya...my boss is mad at me, he won't let me sell or use any of the drugs until i get the money to him. We need to do something....and we need to do it now.." i nodded with that idea

"But what??" I asked

"We need to think of something" He said.

We both think, then out of nowhere he says " I got it!! But you might not like it"

"Oh my! What is it now david! What is your big plan now...??" I asked him, i knew it was something bad....like always.


Good enough! Eh eh!

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