bigger mess

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Kari's POV~

"Go on now....tell me your plan" I said.

"Ok....well I don't know if you would like this or not, most likely not...but it's for the greater good." He was trying to persuade me.

"Just go on and tell me." I told him.

"Ok...well you can dance for many people and we can get the money off of that." He tried saying.

My eyebrows went high, eyeing him. Was he joking. "So you want me to dance for people.....for their entertainment?"

"Uh..well yes, more like that" He said.

"So you want me! Your wife to dance for people! So like a stripper!" I was mad, why would he even bring that up.

"Yes?...I'm sorry put we need the money! I don't want this either but...i don't know what else." He was all over the place.

"Oh cuz giving away your wife to some strangers and giving them a show is the best option!!" I yelled at him.

"I'm sorry I should've thought more...but i got nothing else in my mind but to get money...and get that fast, and the fastest is through your body and all...." He tried to defend himself.

"Oh! So what else! You want me to sleep with them too! Cuz hey that would give us much more! And oh i can get an infection while I'm at it!! Oh and let people take pictures! Sell me online if you need more money!" I was beyond mad! I am in raged, mortified that he would say such words to me, he wanted people to see my body for money...who would say such words to their wife. Oh ya I forgot! He would!

"No no!! Not like that! I would never say do such things! I didn't mean it in that way! I just through your body we can get money, but only dances...not the whole show! I don't want people seeing all of you" He tried telling me, but I wasn't having that.

I huffed out and walked away, i went to my daughter's room and locked the door. I went into her bed and layed there, thinking of his madness.

David's POV~

I felt so stupid! But I didn't know what else to do, i just really needed the money, and I need the money fast, unless I sell my myself with her, but she wouldn't like that either....what else can i say to convince her.

I signed and went up stairs to look for her, i need to apologize to her and come up with a better plan, but if all fails....we can start off with my plan. I bet she will like that better, or not...most likely still not. But it's the only thing we got. After a few mins later to think about this I went up to look for her.

I went in our room but she wasn't there, i signed and went to the bathroom, still nothing, i went to Stacy's room but it was locked when I turned the knob.

"Bingo" I whispered to myself.

"Honey!? I know your in here, can you please come out here and we can talk about this??" Nothing, there was only silence in the other end. So i continued.

"I know what i said was awful, and I am sorry for that, please forgive me for what I said..I didn't mean to offend you. I was just desperate to get the money quick. we can do what you want to do, but if we need more money we will go to my plan??....and hey i would be there to watch that nobody touches you,and I'll do the show too! We will both be dancing.." i was trying....but I don't think it was working.

"So can you please open up the door for me..?? We need to talk about this ok...??" Nothing, absolutely nothing.

I was worried, what if she doesn't want to come out, i need to talk about this with her.

I signed again. "Kari please open the door, i know your mad at me and all, but can you please just open the door so will can talk about this. Please!!" I started knocking on the door "please open the door sweety" after awhile I just gave up.

I know she was mad at me, i wouldn't blame her as well. She needs to cool and think about this as well as i do too. I went down stairs defeated. I will wait for her here after she stops being mad at me, or at least a less bit mad.

I sit there, but nothing again, there is complete silence in the room, since I got no job to do, i just sit in the couch and think.

What other plan do we need....I need to think of something that we both would agree on. Something that wouldn't be as today.

I wanted to try again, but I know she wouldn't listen to me, i just sit and wait for her. After a few mins i turned the TV on and started watching shows, movies, and cartoons. Time passed by and it was already 1pm and she wasn't down here yet, wow that women sure does need time to cool down, damn always keeping me waiting like this.

I love that about her, always keeping me on edge, no wonder I married her. I smiled and decided to write a note to her.

I get up and see a pen already on the table, i went upstairs and tried to look for paper, cuz like who has paper when your done with school...I looked up and down to check if we had paper but the only paper I got was from my wife's handwriting on it, and some grocery list lying around.

After mins passed by i gave up and got down stairs to use the kitchen paper.

I took the paper and ripped it where the dashes meet. I started to write down what I wanted to say, and got up and slide it down the little crack below the door and went down stairs hoping she will read it.

I got downstairs and watched tv. Just waiting for time to pass by. It was almost 2pm so i just watched until it was ready to pick up Stacy.


Don't judge if this is caca! Actually judge! Judge it all and tell meh everything!

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