Alternatively Not

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"Yes! Eldon really up the speed of those turns!" Kate yelled, kindly helping to adjust the male trio as she watched the performance. "Nice! James, that's good!" Kate yelled. She wasn't the only one, Amanda was giving a lot of 'Great' Criticism too. "Yes! Go on Noah!"

Amanda POV -
Watching the male trio is great! Noah is really on it... But so are they others! They'll make a splash at Multinationals, I know they will.

The three boys took to their final positions, gasping for air and water as they came out of them and went to the side of the studio. "Alright boys, that was great! Now that we've seen you, I would like to tell you about this letter from the Multinationals board which arrived in the mailbox this morning....

Piper POV -
It's just great right now! Every letter, every second. We're one step closer to dancing at internationals.

"So... It seems that we have to send one dancer...

Miss Kate POV -
I can't believe I'm reading this right now. We have to send one of our dancers to the first competition venue. You know what that means - we have to choose an alternate.

"Miss Kate what is it?" Riley asked, speaking for everyone when she said "It's exciting we're all dying to here what it says!" Kate hesitated for a few seconds, looking around at all of these dancers and trying to bare the thought of having to send one away. "Oh, it's nothing. Just our travel insurance and tickets and stuff"

A troupe sounded disappointed after that, but In Kates eyes, it was better than having to tell one of them they won't be a featured dancer at Multinationals. "Well anyway, take a five minute break and then I want to go through our semi finals and finals dances." She said, folding the letter down and sliding it down in the envelope.

The Next Step — Lounge

Fabrics covered a large portion of the lounge as a frustrated Ollie sat in the middle with a sewing machine on the table. Ever since the first costume incident, the company had decided to take a no responsibility for the accuracy of the numbers or help to fix the problem. So Ollie had taken it on himself to fix them.

Ollie POV -
I'm so glad I don't have to do Home technology at school anymore. I mean I got an A* in it but i forgot about the frustration.
Not to mention the amount of times you stitch yourself to yourself. I remember once in home tech. I stitched my ear to the gloves I was making, what a painful few hours that was at the hospital.

"Oh for.... Just stay there!" He yelled at the inanimate object, not look entirely normal as Richelle walked past and saw him out of the corner of her eye. "You alright there?" She asked, trying her best not to laugh. Ollie turned to look at her, "Yes thank you! I'm having the best time of my life(!) Really great(!)" He answered sarcastically.

"Okay then, see you back in the studio!" Richelle said back,  not getting his sarcasm but laughing still.

Ollie POV -
Oh boi! This is annoying!

The Next Step - Studio A

"Alright guys... Look what's arrived! The rest of the Multinational costumes" Kate announced, calling A troupe in to see them. They couldn't believe it, they looked amazing and the team couldn't wait to see them. "Wow... Miss Kate these are great!" Sophia commented politely.

Sophia POV -
Everyone is just so happy now because Multinationals begins in a few weeks time and we all just want to get to Denmark and compete for the first round!

"Guys, this is not now. We have all the costumes except from the group 1 and 2 dances which Ollie is making right now and I really... "Um Yeah there is no way Ollie is going to finish those costumes In time. I just saw him in the lounge right now" Richelle pointed out. "Well, as dance captain. I'll step up to help Ollie" Carmine nobly announced.

Richelle POV -
Other than myself, Carmine is the greatest choice for dance captain. But I'm glad I don't have to help Ollie with all those costumes and sewing and needles and all that. I can't sew a crop let alone costume!

Ollie came into the studio moments later, heading over to the clump of dancers he asked, "What's that? The Costumes? Cool!" Kate smiled at him, "How are you getting on with the others? Do you need help because Carmine is going to be helping!" She announced. He nodded, "Yeah but that is not enough still.

"Okay. Richelle will help you!" She said, the acro dancer didn't now look impressed, not a single bit -

Richelle POV -
Oh... Yay(!) thanks!

"You know what A troupe, let's rehearse! Semi finals routine - let's go!"

A troupe all got into the Semifinals starting positions and Kate returned to her office, still with something on her mind. All these dancers deserved to dance at the competition. Could she really send one dancer away?

Miss Kate POV -
I won't send a dancer to the first location of the competition. This means they will miss out and I won't allow that! All of the dancers on A troupe will dance at Multinationals, make no mistake about that...

Next time - The competition draws closer.

A/n: So this was a filler but the competition will start soon! Comment, vote if you enjoyed. Thanks!

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