Chapter five- The N.E.D. Show

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Hey, my little birdies :)

I'm again so happy today, thx so much for 14 reads & 5 votes ;)

New characters:

Mr.kwong ; a character only in this chapter

Mrs.Tran ; another character only in this chapter

So it was a Friday, we had an assembly. It was called the N.E.D. Show, I didn't really like these kind if assemblys cause they gave out prizes & always picked on the same guy out of the whole upper grade. The N.E.D. Stands for Never give up, Encourage others & Do your best.

It's always the same act every years, so we went to the cafeteria and the whole area was filled with a few 3rd graders, 4th, 5th, & 6th graders & 9 teachers. My class sat in the back & we waited for the show to start. I sat in the back row with two of my friends & our teacher sat in the back

The show started & the lady announced that there would be prizes to be given away. She said to win the prize u would have to answer a question, it was like that every year. The same boy was always chosen every time she came. I didn't really want to do it but I raises my hand anyways.

Then she was going to pick the third & final person who gets to answer, I was wearing a floral muscle shirt that was see through, with a white tank top & long jeans which I like to call my ugly hippy jeans. [i just don't like the way they look -.-]

She said the next person with the biggest smile,& of course I have to smile shyly -.- . She chooses me & I have to answer the question & walk up to her. Lol my class mates are the funniest, one of them was like "wooh, that's my class mate!", I was laughing so much.

I answered her question & because I'm shy, I talked very low into the micro phone while blushing madly >_< :$

The question was something about school & I said something like "do your best, pay attention, & listen." You know the drill.

And she discussed with "NED" A.K.A. a cardboard of a cartoon blonde kid with a yo-yo in his hand, who won & she chose me >_<.

She called me up to the stage and she was like "to make sure that you don't go anywhere, I'm going to glue your feet to the ground." She told me to put my right foot down, followed by my left foot. When I put my feet down, she made a sound that was like *squash*.

Then, she said to make sure they're glued down, move your hips side to side. In my mind I kinda face palmed myself, I didn't want to do it . And then guess what she started singing -.- ? She starting singing fudging Oreo "we like to move it" -.- -_-. And the whole upper grade was laughing, and I didn't even think about my crush. I was blushing madly, & had to bite down a little on my lip so I could handle myself >_<.

She then made a ballon "crown" for me & I had to hold it so it wouldn't fall 😳

. And she gave me a free yo-yo & a yo-yo holder because my answer was so good.

When I walked back to my seat I smiled at a 4th grade teacher named Ms. Tran, she returned a smile back 😊☺. Then my 5th grade teacher gave me "the thinking look" where he rubs his chin while you can tell he's thinking. And then before I walked back to my seat, he smiled at me {Francisco}😍😘😜😝😛😌 .

I gave the crown to my teacher & he gave it back to me when we went back to class. When we went into the class we did mental math to find out how long we could have free time for. I asked my teacher kindly if I could take down the writing papers that I put up yesterday, he said yes.

While I was trying to take a paper down, it was above my hight so I had to go on my tippy-toes. I still couldn't reach & I kinda went a little onto the counter but failed to succeed. I kinda fell off a little I guess [i didn't really think I did though] & my teacher wanted me to be safe I guess, so he asked Francisco to help me.

He came towards the back of the room & helped me take the papers down. As we were taking the papers down I felt my arm and his brush a little against each others :$. I nicely thanked him for helping me & we went outside for free time.

This is the longest chapter that I have written in this book, hope it was good 😊☺.

I guess the reason why this was a long chapter was because it took a lot to describe this memory.

I told you that my chapters would improve once I get more experienced ;)

Thx again for everything, thx for reading ^_^ .

I will try to update as soon as I can. It might be a problem though, school starts in 5 more days :(

I'm sad and exhausted from all the frustration towards my school work, my Guitar lessons & dancing

Oie, don't remind me about dance class >_< there's gonna be changes ~_~

But I will try my best to get chapter 6 up when I can

Thx for everything :*

OMG I'm like so in love with these two songs >_<

Dark horse ~ by Katy Perry


Still into you ~ by Paramore

You should check them out ;)

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