Ch. 17~ Heartbroken

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Hey so I'm really sad right now :( just thought I should write this. I might get sadder ;(

So I was late to school and I came when we switched to ALD & ELD. So I gave my late slip to my teacher & sat down quietly.

ELD & ALD ended and math period began. I payed attention the first half but then I didn't after recess.

At recess I played soccer a little, then I saw Heidy, Daniela & Julissa. Then I went to say hi to them, then they started calling Francisco. I ran away cause my other "friend" is I guess "dating" him but idk. I don't even know if we're friends. I just didn't want to be with them right there. Then my other "friend" was all like " Do you still like Francisco?" "Yeah" I said. She then said " Oh cause I'm starting to like him, he's nice to me."

I was like... are you freaking serious.

Then the Bell rang. I went over to Eliana and talked to her. I told her what my "friend" just told me. Then she was like "Oh you know he put your chair down & put an Absent folder on your desk." And I was like "Oh 😊" He's always so nice.

*Sigh* I hate this part

So then we came back inside & finished math. I was just paying attention to my friend Ashley. Francisco gave her a note, and she knows about my first "friend".

Then Ashely passed out the Valentine grams that were from the people who bought it for their friends and stuff like that. He got one. From my "friend", but not really. My friend Daniela wrote & bought it for her. She bought two grams. One to her and from Francisco. Then one from her and to Francisco. I already knew about this because Daniela told me that she was going to do this.

Lunch passed by.

Then when we were in line my BFF Heidy came outside of her classroom and gave a card to Francisco. It was "from" her again. And he was like "oh thanks man, I'll keep this." What hurt me the most was that Heidy wrote that & she knows that I like him. When she gave it to him I totally turned away from him & her, I just didn't want to look 😣.

And then I saw TWO more things.

Ashley had a paper that was folded into a heart and the Heart was colored. She gave it to him, i was guessing for him to give to my "friend".

A little later, we got ready to take our spelling test. Our teacher needed the words, the book was in the back of the room. I went to go get it /.\ . Francisco was sitting right there, I went through my row. He's the first one in the row, so I crossed. And then I think my boob hit him a lil' on his head. 🙀😟😦😧😮😬😐😕😯😶😑😵😬😵😵😩😫😅😰😳😳

I was like "sorry 😁" and he was like "it's ok" something like that.

Then I went to take my test.

I was done early so I stood up so I could pass it in.

😪💔💔💔💔 </3

Then I saw Sione drawing this "I ❤ ____". For Francisco, I'm guessing to give to my "friend".

I quickly sat back down and just.... I just wanted to be alone. In a dark room, alone. 🙅🙍🙎🙅 I just wanted to cry.

I told my friend Priscilla, and she was like oh. And she said "Did you get him anything special?" I was like "What's the point if he's with her?"

But I passed out a Valentine to everyone, I gave him his favorite WWE wrestler. When I gave it to him he said "Thank you Genesis." Then when I walked away I heard "Yes, I got John Cena."

😯😶😯😕 😌

I hate today. I hate valentine's day. I'm probably gonna just cry on Friday if I stay home. Lucky me 😁😒😣.

Just wish he would/could see how much I love him 😔😞😣😭😭😪😩😫😔

And my "friend" said that she doesn't even want a boyfriend, I'm guessing right now. And she said that she's going to tell him.

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