Ch.23 The best week ❤ pt. 1

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So I'm like really sorry I haven't updated, I'll have hopefully have this week & the beginning of next week to update as much as i can, school start 8/21/14 for me.

So chapter 22 is like kinda a while ago, for the chapters that i'll be writing on forward will be everything that happened before school ended.

I will try my best to tell u everything that I remember

On to the story ~~~~~

So there was this whole week where me and Francisco literally were smiling and lip reading (if that's what u want to call it, we would talk to each other across the room). So one of the days he went to wash his hands and our friend Ashley sits in front of the sink and she saw me talking to him and then she scooted her chair back and was like "oh I'm sorry" (she was playing around). I was talking to him cuz I was trying to tell him that his belt wasn't buckled (I know what your thinking "why were u looking there?", I wasn't looking there I just saw something n noticed it lol) and he finally got what I was talking about and made a "oh😳" face and he turned around to buckle it.

Then on that Friday, we were having this party at lunch in our classroom. Me & Ashley gave out the pieces of pizza, we had all of our friends sit in a group. After we were done we went to sit with them. I sat in a chair but it was taken and so I stood up and awkwardly stood kinda in the back/corner. I was fine standing tho, then Francisco was like " you can sit here (he's gesturing to the chair next to him) and then Ashley can sit there (again gesturing to a chair next to Carlos)."

[btw, just so u dont get lose since I didn't mention it earlier: Francisco suggested Ashley to sit next to Carlos cuz he was going to ask her out; me, Sione, & Francisco already knew that he was going to.]

I sat down next to him, ashley & Carlos sat next to each other, & Sione and Johnson sat in front of me and Francisco. We all kinda sat there quietly & awkwardly for a little (I think we were kinda waiting for him to ask her. lol sorry, this happened like maybe 3 or more months ago.) All three of us were telling him to ask her, he sat back & I think he put his arm on the chair like resting it on there, then he asked her out. We were all laughing after but she said yes 😊😄

A little later, we were just chilling and eating. Francisco went to get candy and I got up (I was in front of him & he couldn't go the other way), he said thx then I said YW. I sat back down and leaned back, but something hit my back. I realized it was those adjustable thingys for your backpack, that's when I realized that I was sitting in his chair.

Then after that Ashley was all like "Francisco u get one part of the licorice & u get the other part" (she was referring to me). Francisco got a licorice and I was cracking up so freakin much omg. He waited for me to get the other side two times, I could've done it but me being the shy one didn't do it. But I kinda think the reason(s) I didn't do it was cuz:

1. I don't like my teeth n he would see them if I did that

2. The freakin vice principal, my teacher & like two other teachers along with 3rd graders were there n could've seen us (the third graders were there cuz they helped us and so they got rewarded too)

3. I was shy &

4. I thought it would be awkward cuz I thought we were friends.

But I regret not doing so freakin bad (you'll see why later)

[P.S. I'm really sorry if there's horrible errors, its late for me and I have to go to my school tomorrow to get my class schedule. I'll try to update again tomorrow. & the reason I haven't updated is (I'm not gonna lie to u) I've been so lazy just to type all of this but I made an effort to do this plz don't be mad at me] Thx for all of the reads ☺.

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