Chapter 5

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'Hello! I'm Katsuki Yūri.

Now that the Russian Punk, Yurio, has come in pursuit of my coach, Viktor, all hell's broken loose.

The Hot Springs on Ice event is now being held so that Yurio and I can face off!

If Yurio wins, Viktor will go back to Russia and be Yurio's coach. If I win, Viktor will stay in Japan, be my coach, and won't take Y/n out on a date.

So I'm gonna give it all the Eros I've got!'

"First, Yurio's "On Love: Agape." Viktor said. Yurio, Yūri, and Y/n got off the ice as Viktor took a starting stance. Y/n started the music.

Viktor started off with graceful movements. The motion in his arms added to the affect.

'Agape... Unconditional love. God's infinite love is self-sacrificing and uncalculating.'

Viktor spun around quickly on the ice moving his feet to the music.

"Crap, this is hard," Yūri thought. "Viktor can pull it off." Yūri looked over at Yurio who was watching intently. "But I wonder how Yurio will do it."

Viktor finished raising his clasped hands in the air. He didn't even look out of breath.

"Kind of like that," Viktor said smiling. "What do you think?"

"Yeah, I pretty much got it," Yurio replied blankly.


Y/n had tears running down her face as she clapped idiotically. "That was so beautiful! I wonder how Yurio will do it? Oh, costumes! They should set the mood. Yūri's next! It's going to be so cool how opposite performances is clash."

Yūri and Yurio sweatdropped as they watched the girl get lost in her own world. They then heard clapping. Everyone looked at Yuko.

"Wow... That was amazing," she said in awe.

"Hey, who's that chick?" Yurio asked rudely.

"Oh, one of the staff here, Yuko-san," Yūri answered.

"Sorry for interrupting your practice," Yuko apologized. "It was so wonderful, I couldn't help myself.

"It's now problem, Yu-chan," Y/n assured with a smile.

"Ok Yūri, you're next," Viktor called.

"O-okay." Y/n pressed the button on the remote starting Eros.

'Choreography that Viktor did for me alone...' Yūri adjusted his glasses watching intently.

'One Love: Eros.'

The arm movements alone were seductive. Viktor winked over at them and blood spurted from Yuko and Y/n's noses.

Yūri and Yurio jumped in surprise not knowing what to do.

'Eros...Sexual love. Pleasure followed by pleasure. One drowns in it.'

Yuko covered mouth laying on the floor. Tears filled her eyes. Yurio held her head up.

"What the... Are you sick?"

Y/n leaned against the wall holding her nose. "...h-hot no sexy," she thought feeling more of the red liquid drip down.

"D-damn. He's hot!" Yūri thought. "It's enough to make even me, a man, pregnant! Such Eros!"

Y/n felt her eyes water as she watched Viktor do the movements. They were still free, much like Agape, but the feeling was much different. She glanced over at Yūri who seemed to be freaking out.

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