Chapter 8

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Seagulls chirped as they flew overhead. The sky was cloudy but hints of sun peeked through open spaces.

"Oh, seagulls," Viktor said.

"Black-tailed gulls," Yūri corrected. He, Viktor, and Y/n sat facing the water watching the waves roll by.

"Ever since I came here, I'm reminded of St. Petersburg when I hear seagulls in the early morning." The wind blew gently. Makkachin sat on Y/n's lap since she was in between the two males. "I never thought I'd leave that city," Viktor admitted. "So I never used to notice the seagulls' cries. Do you ever have times like that?"

"Mhmn," Y/n said. Viktor looked at her but she didn't look back. "My brother's in the music business, so he's often busy with dance rehearsal, concerts, photo shoots, and even fan meetings. I miss him a lot when he's out of the country."

Yūri thought for a minute before answering. "There was a girl in Detroit who was really pushy and kept talking to me. One time, a rink mate got into an accident. I was pretty torn up with worry... I was in the hospital waiting room with that girl. When she hugged me to comfort me, I shoved her away without thinking about it. And Y/n threw three magazines at her head."

Y/n blushed a bit at the memory. "Wow, why?" Viktor asked.

"I-i don't remember why I did that," Y/n lied. She looked over at Yūri who was hugging his legs to his chest.

"I didn't want her to think I was feeling unsettled," Yūri answered. "I felt like she was intruding on my feelings or something, and I hated it. But then I realized that Y/n, Minako-sensei, Nishigori, Yuko-chan, and my family never treated me like a weakling. They had faith that I'd keep growing as a person, and they never stepped over the line."

"Yūri, you're not weak," Viktor said smiling. "No one else thinks that either."

"Yeah. Why would you ever think that?" Y/n asked gently. That was one of the many things Yūri liked about Y/n. She can be silly and childish but when he needs it, she's very sentimental and makes him feel better. "You're the one being hard on yourself and beating yourself up when you don't need to."

Yūri didn't say anything. "What do you want me to be to you? A father figure?" Viktor then asked.


"A brother, then? A friend? What do you want Y/n to be to you? A sister?" Yūri just made an "mhm" sound which Viktor took as a no. "Then, your boyfriend and girlfriend, I guess." Yūri jumped up. Y/n started laughing.

"We'll have to try our best, Viktor," Y/n said. "I call him Sunday through Tuesday."

"No, no, no, no, no," Yūri exclaimed. "I want you two to stay who you are, Y/n, Viktor!" Both of them, along with Makkachin, looked at Yūri. "I've always looked up to you. Even you Y/n. I ignored you because I didn't want you to see my shortcomings." Yūri looked away blushing. "I'll make it up to you both with my skating!"

"Okay, we won't let you off easy, then," Viktor said holding up his hand. Y/n smiled nodding in agreement. "That's our way of showing our love."

Viktor held one of Yūri's hands and Y/n held the other. The clouds started to separate revealing a blue sky.

'When I open up, they meet me where I am.'


Later on, Yūri went to his room and logged in to his computer. 'I shouldn't be afraid to open up more!' He leaned back into his chair sighing when an alert went off signaling that he had a new email. Yūri smiled happily.

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