Chapter 21

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"The top six skaters we'll see today have survived the brutal GP Series. Here they come, on their way to the number one spot."

"In sixth place, Katsuki Yūri was the last qualifier. Will he reedem himself in his second Final? With Viktor Nikiforov and Kim Y/n as his coach and manager this season, he'll try to prove the power of love by winning gold in the Final.

Phichit Chulanot finished fifth in the Grand Prix Series. He's on a roll after becoming the first Thai skater to win gold at the Cup of China. In his first Final, he'll rewrite history for Southeast Asia figure skating.

Yuri Plisetsky finished fourth in the Series. Last year's junior champion, this is his senior debut. He's been allowed to jump quads this season, and he's done brilliantly, placing second in both qualifying events. As the youngest skater this Final, he seeks to defend Russia's prestige by securing his first victory.

Christophe Giacometti finished third in the Series. His mature skating and giant quadruple Lutz have bewitched the entire world. He'll aim for hs first victory at the Final.

Otabek Altin finished second in the series. Kazakhstan's hero won bronze at the World Championship, before his first GP victory in the NHK Trophy. His first Final qualification is another upset.

Finishing first in the Series is Jean-Jacques Leroy, the man of the hour and the only qualifier to win both his events. In both his short program and free skate, he jumped six quads. JJ sets rules for the rest of the world!

The final round is about to begin here in Barcelona!"

The worker opened the barrier allowing the skaters to enter the rink to warm up.


"And now, Katsuki Yūri is the last skater remaining on the ice," Mooroka commentated. The other skaters walked by, Yurio the only one giving him a side glance. Yūri set down his water bottle looking down.

"Yūri," Viktor said.

"Yes?" The black haired male looked up. Viktor grasped his hand pulling it up to place a kiss on it. The audience gasped and the reporters began taking pictures; Y/n joined them grinning.

"His coach is empowering their matching rings in prayer for victory," Mooroka said.

"Huh? Why matching rings?" Sara wondered.

"Lucky... I wish I had one with Sara!" Mickey said.

"Yūri, good luck!" Emil yelled.


"Okay," Y/n said. She opened the little pouch that came with the item she brought from the store. Y/n pulled out a golden ring, similar to the one Yūri brought, and gave it to Viktor. Viktor lifted Yūri's hand and slid the ring on his finger.

"I'll say something you won't even have to think about. Tomorrow, show me the skating that you can honestly say you liked best," Viktor said.

"Don't worry about the other skaters," Y/n added. "You're better than anyone out there."

Flashback End

Viktor smiled assuring Yūri he'd do fine. Y/n placed a kiss on Yūri's cheek after she fowarded the pictures to Minami and Phichit then smiled as well. "I believe in your love," she whispered.

Yūri held up his fist that had the ring on it. Determination filled his eyes.

"I'm off!"

The audience roared in applause as Yūri skated on to the ice. Mari held up a banner of the Japanese flag and Minako held up one with Yūri's name on it. "Yūri!"

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