Chapter 22

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Yurio sat on the bench at the kiss and cry with Lilia and Yakov holding a stuffed cat.

"What score will we see here?" The audience's cheers became defeaning as Yurio's score was finally announced. "Yuri Plisetsky's score is 118.56!" Yakov and Lilia's expression turned into one of shock. Yurio's eyes widened.

"He's surpassed the world record set by Viktor Nikiforov!"

Yakov lifted Yurio on to his shoulder smiling widely. "That's my Yuratchka!"

"I've got this!" Yurio cheered. Lilia smiled clapping.

Viktor turned around and saw Yūri standing there. Slightly flustered, Yūri quickly made up an excuse to mask his sadnees. "I got curious about how it was going, too."

"Chris is about to take the ice," Viktor said. "Let's find a seat. Are you coming, Y/n?"

" guys go ahead. I'm... going to congradulate Yurio. Yep! That's what I was going to do." Y/n smiled nervously.

"Do you want me to walk you there?" Yūri asked. Y/n shook her head.

"I have peripheral artery disease, not a broken leg." She walked off leaving Viktor and Yūri alone. When she was away from everyone, Y/n collapsed to her knees and covered her face. Tears rolled down her face.

"Damn it. Why am I crying," she muttered. Y/n leaned against the wall and rolled up her pants leg. Her knee was slighly swollen, not as bad as it has been. Y/n sighed and looked at her phone. She had twelve texts from her brother, four from Guang-Hong, six from Leo, and thirty-two and counting from her childhood friend, Cho Min-Jun.

"Why did I even stay? I wasted my time here."

Footsteps stopped in front of her. "Hey, why're you crying." Y/n looked up. Her eyes widened.


"The next skater is Christophe Giacometti of Switzerland, age 25." Chris skated on to the ice blowing kisses to the audience. "The audience is still awestruck by Yuri Plisetsky's new world record, but the area is filling with Swiss flags!"  Yūri sat next to Sara in the audience. Viktor soon sat next to him.

"Chris!" Minako cheered holding up a flag with Chris's name on it. Beside her, Mari held up the Swiss flag.

The music started. "He is skating to "intoxicated." He's changing the mood 180 degrees, from agape to adult sex appeal." Compared to Yurio's moves, Chris's were much more sexual. Even more than Yūri's as he flaunted more of his body than the younger male.

"He's planned a quad for his first jump." Chris spun quickly before landing with his arms spread.

"A quadruple lutz."

"Look at the flow of that jump!" Emil and Sara clapped with the audience. Mickey remained unimpressed. Chris's next move was a combination spin.

"Though he's advance to the Final each year, Christophe Giacometti has never won the event." Yūri looked beside him. Once again, Viktor had his hand up to his chin, thinking before he smiled. "How does his longtime rival Viktor Nikiforov feel as he watches him perform from the audience?"


Y/n stared at the male above her before she burst out laughing.

Y/n stared at the male above her before she burst out laughing

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