Chapter 9

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'Hello! I'm Katsuki Yūri, one of the top figure skaters certified by the JSF. My first competition this season is the Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu Championship.

I hear I'm the oldest of the four skating in the senior men's division.' Two of the other skaters were seventeen, one eighteen, then Yūri who's twenty three. Yūri went up to draw from the bag to see when he would skate.

'Anything but the first spot! Not the first spot!' Yūri pulled out a number one.

"Skater Katsuki Yūri, you're up first," said the staff.

"Not again," Yūri thought sulking. "I have the most horrible luck of the draw. It was the same in the last Nationals..."

"Hey..." Someone said. The person sitting next to Yūri was covering their face shaking.

"Hm?" Yūri looked over. The boy next to him looked at him with a smile and blush on his cheeks. He had blonde hair with part of it red.

"I got to see you draw first spot in person again, Yūri-kun!" He exclaimed happily. "I love it!"

Yūri had a blank look. "Um..."

"What!? You don't remember me? What a shock!"

"Next is skater Minami," the lady called.

"Right here! I'm Minami Kenjiro!" Minami said raising his hand. He went up to draw.

"Who's he again?" Yūri wondered.

"Yay! I'm going fourth!" Minami cheered.

Afterward, people gathered around Yūri, Y/n, and Viktor for interviews. "We've timed him to peak at the Grand Prix Final, so this isn't a problem," Viktor said.

"Today he can take it easy and earn a new personal best!" Y/n added. Both she and Viktor smiled. Yūri gave them both a petrified look.

"I think I've told you both this many times, but in last year's Nationals, I bombed everything. They wondered if I was injured but embarrassingly, there was nothing physically wrong with me. I lost, despite being a top contender, because I was mentally weak."

"Wow," Viktor and Y/n said in unison.

'I haven't been in a single competition since last year's Nationals. I've been practicing with Y/n and Viktor this whole time,'

"Makkachin will cheer for you," Viktor said holding up a stuffed tissue box that looked like Makkachin.

"It's so cute!" Y/n exclaimed. Yūri took one of the tissues to blow his nose.

"Try to be happier," Viktor told him.

Yūri left to warm up. 'But to be honest, I'm still not sure about myself. I have to figure out if I'm in good enough shape for the Grand Prix Final series. The other skaters don't matter.' Behind him, Minami watched in awe. Yūri tensed up. 'I feel someone staring at me...'

"Minami-kun, focus, okay? Focus!" Minami's coach scolded. "Remember now focused you were at the Nationals!" Yūri started to remember his screw up last year, how he fell and messed up everything. "Don't get overwhelmed by the energy around you!

'Focus, focus,' Yūri told himself.

That night
A lot of people came to see the competition. The place soon became packed. "Wow. What a crowd," Minako said.

"It's been like this since the public practice this morning," said Takeshi.

"Is Yūri okay? He tends to get nervous before competitions." Speaking of Yūri, the skater came running over to the two.

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