Chapter 23

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"After the Final, let's end this," Yūri said.

"Huh?" Viktor said confused.

"End...this...?" Y/n repeated. Her chest felt tight. She was hoping Yūri didn't mean what she thought he meant.

"You both have done more than enough for me. Thanks to you two, I was able to give everything I had to my last season." Yūri bowed. "Thank you for everything, Viktor, Y/n. Thank you for being my coach and manager."

While looking down, Yūri saw a drop of water hit Viktor's foot. He looked up in surprise to see tears falling from Viktor's blue eyes. "Viktor?"

Yūri's eyes widened. His hand went to his face were Y/n had slapped him. Viktor was in shock too.

Y/n's lip quivered. "Your an idiot...Yūri." Tears rolled down her face. "Why are you thinking only of yourself!? Your career wasn't the only one on the line. I could've had at least four more years of skating but because I injured myself early on, I had to end it! Viktor's twenty-eight! There isn't too much longer he can skate either!

Instead of being your manager, I might've been able to push through but I cared for you and about your career more! But I probably didn't make a major difference..." Tears rolled faster down Y/n's face.

"For ten years... ten years, I've known you and I haven't been able to help with your self confidence until Viktor showed up. It's all him! I don't need to be here! I could've gone back to Korea with my brother two years ago but I stayed because I cared! And you're just pushing me away! You dumbass! You keep trying to do everything on your own when you don't have to! Why? Why are you doing that?!"

"Y/n..." Viktor said. He went to place a hand on her shoulder but she swat it away.

"...Viktor, you told me get out of the mindset of fighting on my own... that our team won't work without one of us... it'd work just fine without me. I clearly haven't had an impact on you, Yūri. And you don't ask a girl out then tell her to go to a different county!" Y/n took the ring off her finger and threw it at Yūri. She stood and left the hotel room.


Chris put on the white robe the hotel provided. Someone loudly knocked on the door. Y/n stood there with a tear streaked faced and red eyes.

"Chris!" She whined before hugging the male.

"Y-y/n! What happened? Here, come in."

Y/n sat on one of the beds. Chris went into the little kitchen area and came back with a box of chocolate pocky. She smiled and took the box. "Sorry for intruding. I couldn't remember where Yurio's room was and you're easier to talk to than Phichit."

"It's fine. Why're you crying?" Chris asked.

Y/n felt tears well up in her eyes. "Yūri's such an idiot..." She explained all that happened, Chris listening without interrupting. "So, I threw my ring and left."

"Hmm... you do know both Yūri and Viktor like you, right?" Chris asked. Y/n's cheeks turned red.

"I mean I kinda picked up on it... I'm not so oblivious."

"Well, there was that one time in Taiwan..."

"Shut the hell up Christophe! No one asked for a flashback!"

Chris chuckled. Y/n glared trying to be angry, but she ended up laughing. "There, now your smiling again," said Chris. Y/n ate more of the pocky feeling a little better. She always joked about how she couldn't stand Chris but in reality, he was one of her best friends. They'd known each other since the junior championships. "Tell me honestly, what do you think of them?"

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