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Thank you so so much on a 100+ followers!! This is so awesome to finally have 100 people follow me! I know it seems just a small amount,but it's a huge deal for me. I never thought I would reach more than 20 followers,and to think I started 8 months ago is so crazy! I have met so many amazing people and I would love to let them know who they are!

XxFlufflePuffxX who has been my best friend ever since I could remember and has supported me(follow her PLEASE!!)

TylerJosephIsMine who's is my other best friend I met this year in school and has always stuck by my side no matter what has happened (also follow her!!)

Acrolight who always makes me smile with her loving words and kindness

cool_calico_catz who makes me laugh my butt of everyday with our shipping wars and her content

Hillary-the_hedgie who has inspired me since Day 1. Her art is beautiful and inspires me!

_Mask_girl_ who helps me be who I am in role plays!

Thank you thank you thank you!! I couldn't have done this without you guys and your support! Thank again for 100+ followers!

I love you all my Angels.....

You'll soon get your wings and fly...

-Love Angel
               ~December 1st,2016 

MEH ART BOOK! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora