I know .-.

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I forgot to say thank you! Thank you for 200 followers! This is wonderful! I finally passed Acrolight 's follower count! LES GO! She is one of the few people I will cherish. XxFlufflePuffxX you are my best friend till the end,RANT ALL YOU WANT AT LIKE 1 IN THE MORNING, cool_calico_catz one of the first people I met,I know we don't talk much,but thank you. Sparkle_The_Fangirl0 you do so much for me...I want to repay you. Thank you. angeliX_heroes we don't talk much either,but I thank you from being there in the beginning. KinkyBrendonUrine ,one of other best friends. We grew close in the school year,and we're growing closer now. So thank you! Thank you for your support. This year has been amazing. So many great times. Thank you!❤️

I love you all my angels! You will soon spread your wings and fly!

~Angel/Aura,July 8,2017

(I didn't make this on the first went I got 200 followers .-.)

MEH ART BOOK! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora