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Thank you for always being there. You knew when I was down and needed a hand. Everyday you make it a bright day. Having a smile on your face let's me know that you will always be like that. Yes,we have had our fair share of fights,but they don't matter cause we are still here together. We share the same interests,hobbies,fandoms,and more. All I want to tell you Is that if it wasn't for that blessed day,if I wasn't wearing what I decided to wear,and talk the way I did,or walk the way I did,we wouldn't be here today. You always seem to know where to be,it's like as if you have a sensor in your min that let's you know 'Something is wrong' and no matter what happens to us,if we part ways,I can tell my future family and friends,"I had a best friend who is the best you'll ever find" and if anyone says otherwise they are lying. I know we're young,but we've been together since that day and we grow closer everyday. Even if I don't show it,I'm glad I have the honor to call you my best friend. So I ask you this. Go out there,be who you are and no matter what someone says,I'll be there right by your side.

Happy Birthday XxFlufflePuffxX and may all your dreams come true.


MEH ART BOOK! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora