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Guys I would really love if you follow XxFlufflePuffxX she is a really awesome person,sweet,over all a great person. I know I know you're probably "Why is she so special?! I bet you don't even know that user!" Well mija let me tell you,We are comrades. No lie I've known her since I was pretty little. She helps me through a lot,knows when I'm down,need help,or over all when I just need a hug. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me and I wouldn't say she isn't my best friend,if I did I would be lying. So please follow her cause it's not fair that we started at the same thine and I have more followers than her. So please follow her and be a Fluffie!!!! Cause I was her first one and I don't regret it. Check out her books too! Her rp books,rants,art! All of it!!! So please again,help my friend out and follow her,trust me,you won't regret it.

MEH ART BOOK! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora