Wow...Just Wow

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I never knew the day would come that Adam aka SkyDoesMincraft would leave his main channel. If you don't know,he decided to leave. I respect it,but Adam has been a huge part of my life since I was young. I was maybe six or seven when my brother showed me this witty,funny,smart,loyal, outgoing person. I smiled. I laughed. I remember many things that made me laugh. I wanted to say that I thank him. For every single time we smiled and laughed at his corny jokes. People came and left Adam's team,but in the end,it came down to how well they all worked together for. The ups and downs are rough,yet he still made us smile each time. We are all thankful for this. If YouTube is still popular during when our kids are around,and the stumble across Adam. We can tell them how of the many things he did for many people,no matter what age. 'It's a myth' they might say if YouTube isn't around 'No one shuts down something like that'. Well we can say,'Yes,someone can and will,SkyDoesMincraft is a YouTube channel that helped people from certain problems. I really want to cry,but I can't,know all this isn't gone,not yet. We can grow and see how things go along with his career. Adam has helped me in so many ways,I can't explain. I love that he kept going,for us. For kids,teens,adults! We all have a special place in our hearts for him. This is sappy,yes,but it's true. How many times have you found yourself having a bad day and going to look for him because you knew that Adam made you laugh. We all know it. So we thank him. The Budder Army will live it's legacy and continue to be the best army ever. But,a new army is coming along,even stronger. We know this. And we are okay. So may this not be a goodbye for Adam,but a see you later message. See you later for leaving this journey,and starting a new one. Thank You,Adam. Being here with you has been awesome. So,may the Budder Army,Sky Army,Minecraft,SkyDoesMincraft,and everything else,rest in peace. The myth,the legend,the truth,the real SkyDoesMincraft may one day come back,let's hope we get that and relive the memories!❤️❤️

 The myth,the legend,the truth,the real SkyDoesMincraft may one day come back,let's hope we get that and relive the memories!❤️❤️

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