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As most of you know,I'm a piece of Hami-Trash. "What's that?" You might ask if you don't know. Well it's when people love Hamilton so much they listen to every song and know every.single.lyric. And remember what their first song they heard. And most likely their second one as well. And they WILL save the 10 dollar bill just cause Alexander is on it. Like I'm saving my 10 and my first song was "Aaron Burr,Sir" and my second one was "The Schuyler Sisters" (Schuyler is pronounced as the name Skylar so....) YEAHHHH IM A PIECE OF HAMI-TRASH! My favorite song is these two

Credit to Galactic Bun her channel is awesome! This one is called "Burn"

And this one is Yorktown

MEH ART BOOK! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora