Look who's back~

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If you guys remember and have been with me since the start you know Blue

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If you guys remember and have been with me since the start you know Blue. Blue was my first official Aphmau OC. I never really made her backstory. But I drew her a couple days ago and I changed it up a bit. You can see my original Blue OC in the first chapter on this art book. The very first one! The reason I had named her Blue was because my username was Blue_Angel_Xo but now that I've changed it I'll go by three other OCs that all have a crush on Garroth...HES MEH SENPAI! I go by Angel,Aura,or most recently,Gabriella. So here ya go,my very first Aphmau OC. Hope you like her,she sure did bring back memories.

MEH ART BOOK! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora